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The Hakubi Project
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Introduction to the project
Organization for Project Implementation
About members
15th batch(2024)
14th batch(2023)
13th batch(2022)
12th batch(2021)
11th batch(2020)
10th batch(2019)
9th batch(2018)
8th batch(2017)
7th batch(2016)
6th batch(2014)
5th batch(2013)
4th batch(2012)
3rd batch(2011)
2nd batch(2010)
1st batch(2009)
At a Glance
Annual Report
Seminar index
Seminar index
Seminar index
263rd seminar Feb. 18 2025 (Tue.)
262nd seminar Feb. 04 2025 (Tue.)
Memory research using light
261st seminar Jan. 21 2025 (Tue.)
Excuses for Buddhism: Especially about "love♥"
260th seminar Dec. 17 2024 (Tue.)
Philosophical Radicals and The Reception of Ancient Greece: Democracy, Socrates and Empire
259th seminar Nov. 19 2024 (Tue.)
Design and Function of Bioinspired materials for targeted drug delivery
258th seminar Nov. 05 2024 (Tue.)
Japan in the 1950s: Film as Object of Inquiry and Research Method
257th seminar Nov. 01 2024 (Fri.)
Navigating Future of Coastal Areas in a Changing Climate
256th seminar Oct. 15 2024 (Tue.)
Quantum, Topology, and Computational Complexity
255th seminar Oct. 01 2024 (Tue.)
Between Local Knowledge and Science in Wildlife Conservation: How Can They Team Up?
254th seminar Sep. 17 2024 (Tue.)
How did the Ancient Sun Influence Habitability of the Early Earth?
253rd seminar Aug. 20 2024 (Tue.)
Decoding marine fish life histories: insights from chemical signatures
252nd seminar Jul. 23 2024 (Tue.)
One Health approach to infectious diseases: Metaviromic analyses from non-human primates in Indonesia
251st seminar Jul. 16 2024 (Tue.)
Describing Tibetan Pastoral Culture
250th seminar Jun. 25 2024 (Tue.)
Mnemohistory: collective memories and their socio-political impact through the historian’s lens
249th seminar Jun. 04 2024 (Tue.)
Visualizing "quantum" vortices
248th seminar May. 14 2024 (Tue.)
Invertebrate paleontology: a window into life history and ancient climates
247th seminar Apr. 23 2024 (Tue.)
Single-cell surgery with molecule-functionalized nanowires
246th seminar Apr. 09 2024 (Tue.)
Arithmetic Geometry - mod p reduction and finiteness
245th seminar Mar. 19 2024 (Tue.)
Finance in nature and the nature of finance: Understanding the limits and possibilities of transition finance in the Asia Pacific
244th seminar Mar. 05 2024 (Tue.)
Deciphering cosmic explosions
243rd seminar Feb. 20 2024 (Tue.)
Black holes: why they matter
242nd seminar Feb. 06 2024 (Tue.)
Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution in Cichlids: An Overview of My Research
241st seminar Jan. 16 2024 (Tue.)
Primate Evolution driven by Endogenous Retroviruses
240th seminar Dec. 19 2023 (Tue.)
History of art for human creativity and imagination: Representation of the Virgin Mary in the bridal mysticism
239th seminar Nov. 21 2023 (Tue.)
Neutrality Studies
238th seminar Nov. 07 2023 (Tue.)
Development of a method to call directly to the monkey brain and elucidation of the neural mechanism of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia
237th seminar Oct. 16 2023 (Mon.)
From monkeys, chimpanzees, to ungulates: comparative cognition
236th seminar Oct. 03 2023 (Tue.)
Understanding Ethnonationalistic Mobilizations from Below: Identity Politics Above and Beyond Ethnicity
235th seminar Sep. 19 2023 (Tue.)
Constitutional Rights and Guarantee of the Access to the Space
234th seminar Apr. 23 2024 (Tue.)
Single-cell surgery with molecule-functionalized nanowires→ This seminar has been rescheduled to April 23, 2024.
233rd seminar Jul. 18 2023 (Tue.)
How to leverage social networks to promote farmer’s adoption of agricultural technologies? Evidence from field experiments in developing countries.
232nd seminar Jul. 04 2023 (Tue.)
Harmonization of Competition Laws for Cross-Border Digital Trade in Asia: From the View of Economic Analysis of Law.
231st seminar Jun. 20 2023 (Tue.)
Role of astrocytes—the unsung hero of the brain—in neuronal circuits
230th seminar Jun. 06 2023 (Tue.)
The Continuity and Discontinuity in Pre-Modern and Modern Hinduism: Focusing on the Development of Sacred Places and Pilgrimages
th seminar Jun. 06 2023 (Tue.)
The Continuity and Discontinuity in Pre-Modern and Modern Hinduism: Focusing on the Development of Sacred Places and Pilgrimages
229th seminar May. 16 2023 (Tue.)
Rising from the Ground: Exploration of Social and Political Change through the Restoration of Land-Human Relationships in French Polynesia
228th seminar Jan. 10 2023 (Tue.)
"The 3rd Hakubi Researcher-Student Exchange Meeting"
227th seminar Dec. 20 2022 (Tue.)
"The 2nd Hakubi Researcher-Student Exchange Meeting"
226th seminar Oct. 18 2022 (Tue.)
The 1st Hakubi Researcher-Student Exchange Meeting
225th seminar Oct. 04 2022 (Tue.)
Nucleation and surface fluctuations of biomolecular condensates
224th seminar Sep. 20 2022 (Tue.)
Loss function perspective of machine learning: What does a machine learn?
223rd seminar Sep. 06 2022 (Tue.)
Constructive understanding of phenotypic diversification in evolution of multicellular organisms
222nd seminar Jul. 19 2022 (Tue.)
"Monitoring the earthquake cycle, from the laboratory to the field"
221st seminar Jul. 05 2022 (Tue.)
"Toward reproducing the cosmic evolution in computers: from first stars to first galaxies"
220th seminar Jun. 21 2022 (Tue.)
"Search for dark matter using millimeter-wave―DOSUE-RR experiment"
219th seminar Jun. 07 2022 (Tue.)
"Deciphering the history of medieval Tibet from Tibetan manuscripts"
218th seminar May. 24 2022 (Tue.)
"Martyrdom in the Japanese context: from the rejection of a foreign concept to the birth of an identity"
217th seminar May. 10 2022 (Tue.)
"Energy conversion processes between light and electricity in semiconductor nanomaterials"
216th seminar Apr. 19 2022 (Tue.)
"Shippological approaches to understand how we became a human"
215th seminar Apr. 05 2022 (Tue.)
"Restoration of the lacquerware unearthed from the Xiongnu tombs"
214th seminar Mar. 15 2022 (Tue.)
"Development of chemical reactions that enable the synthesis of valuable molecules"
213rd seminar Mar. 01 2022 (Tue.)
"Understanding the evolution of minerals on airless small bodies."
212nd seminar Feb. 15 2022 (Tue.)
"Clonal evolution in the human body"
211st seminar Feb. 01 2022 (Tue.)
”“Synthetic” cell biology: manipulating proteins inside living cells”
210th seminar Jan. 25 2022 (Tue.)
”Pursuing the Spirit of the Artes Liberales: A Brief Review on J. Wiesner’s Analysis of Old Paper Collected from Kucha and Khotan”
209th seminar Jan. 11 2022 (Tue.)
”Why are tropical forests so productive? – Low-P stress and adaptive potential of tropical tree species”
208th seminar Dec. 07 2021 (Tue.)
(1)fit-55-sustainable-approach-european-climate-policy (2)COP26 – A report from inside the global climate talks
207th seminar Nov. 16 2021 (Tue.)
”Development of new functional materials in nanosized metal particles”
206th seminar Nov. 02 2021 (Tue.)
"Handling Technologies of Lunar and Martian Regolith for Long-Term Space Explorations"
205th seminar Oct. 19 2021 (Tue.)
The past, present, and future radiotherapy for cancer treatment
204th seminar Oct. 05 2021 (Tue.)
"Deciphering Divination Documents"
203rd seminar Sep. 21 2021 (Tue.)
"Exploring mechanisms of primate development just after implantation"
202nd seminar Sep. 07 2021 (Tue.)
"Origin and Making of Early Pure Land Buddhist Art -Maitreya Bodhisattva or Maitreya Buddha?"
201st seminar Jul. 20 2021 (Tue.)
"Structural change of diplomatic protection and an introduction to legal research"
200th seminar Jul. 06 2021 (Tue.)
"Resolving the biodiversity paradox in forest tree communities"
199th seminar Jun. 22 2021 (Tue.)
"The potential of nature-based infrastructure for the reduction of coastal disaster risks"
198th seminar Jun. 08 2021 (Tue.)
"Collective cell motion in development and reproduction"
197th seminar May. 25 2021 (Tue.)
"Rogue waves in the Laboratory and Nature"
196th seminar May. 11 2021 (Tue.)
"Light and matter at low temperature"
195th seminar Apr. 20 2021 (Tue.)
"“Vacancy” in Buildings and Parcels: Trends, Factors, and Influences"
194th seminar Apr. 06 2021 (Tue.)
"Outer edge of the solar system unveiled by small telescopes on a southern island"
193rd seminar Mar. 23 2021 (Tue.)
"Development of treatments for intractable ocular diseases"
192nd seminar Mar. 09 2021 (Tue.)
"Tropical Ray Skins for the Japanese Market: Following the Trade Routes from India in the Early Modern Period"
191st seminar Feb. 09 2021 (Tue.)
Sound, emotion, and time: From Vladivostok to Tashkent
190th seminar Dec. 22 2020 (Tue.)
Investigations in the Archives: Digital Approaches to the Study of Buddhist Manuscripts from Medieval Japan
189th seminar Dec. 08 2020 (Tue.)
The Riddle of 'Warawayami (the Disease of Children)'
188th seminar Nov. 10 2020 (Tue.)
A Geographer Going Native! Travel & Discovery Seeking the Survival Power of Human Being
187th seminar Oct. 20 2020 (Tue.)
Predator-prey interactions as the trigger of prey divergence
186th seminar Oct. 06 2020 (Tue.)
Viruses that Can and Cannot Coexist with Humans and the Future of SARS-CoV-2
185th seminar Sep. 15 2020 (Tue.)
HEALING THE ACHILLES HEEL! OR: HOW TO REDUCE TRANSPORT FUEL EMISSIONS SUSTAINABLY. Lessons from California for Germany’s New Fuels Emissions Trading Scheme.
184th seminar Jul. 21 2020 (Tue.)
Blowin’ in the Black Hole Wind
183rd seminar Jul. 07 2020 (Tue.)
Structural studies on RNA viruses using electron microscopies
182nd seminar Jun. 23 2020 (Tue.)
On the connection between gravity and information theory
181st seminar Jun. 09 2020 (Tue.)
Where are the suitable coastlines in Japan for energy extraction from the ocean waves?
180th seminar May. 26 2020 (Tue.)
Japan and the 1918 Flu Pandemic
179th seminar Feb. 18 2020 (Tue.)
From Manuscripts to Typography, The Renascence of Indian Tantric Buddhism: the relationships between Philological and Iconographical contextual background via publications of Niṣpannayogāvalī and Sādhanamālā in Early to Middle 20th century
178th seminar Jan. 28 2020 (Tue.)
How do prime numbers decompose?
177th seminar Jan. 14 2020 (Tue.)
Carbon dynamics in forests revealed by gas exchange observations
176th seminar Dec. 10 2019 (Tue.)
The Legal Theories on Core Crimes: Redefining the Most Serious Crimes of Concern to the International Community as a Whole
175th seminar Nov. 26 2019 (Tue.)
Intelligent Music Information Processing and Statistical Learning
174th seminar Nov. 12 2019 (Tue.)
Reproductive manipulator
173rd seminar Oct. 29 2019 (Tue.)
Governing land, livelihoods, and environments: The politics of plantation concessions in Laos
172nd seminar Oct. 15 2019 (Tue.)
Behavioral genetic study to understand developmental mechanism of psychopathology
171st seminar Sep. 17 2019 (Tue.)
Development of the “Learning Health System”
170th seminar Sep. 03 2019 (Tue.)
Reverse Bioengineering for precision medicine
169th seminar Jul. 16 2019 (Tue.)
The Antivenom Skills of Guhyasamāja in Indian Tantric Literature
168th seminar Jul. 02 2019 (Tue.)
Meet the New Project Manager! -
167th seminar Jun. 04 2019 (Tue.)
Ion channels as cellular sensors of body damaging stress -
166th seminar May. 21 2019 (Tue.)
Ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays -
165th seminar May. 07 2019 (Tue.)
Making Earth in a laboratory -
164th seminar Apr. 16 2019 (Tue.)
Make invisible infectious disease risk visible -
163rd seminar Apr. 02 2019 (Tue.)
Introduction to animal linguistics: Referentiality and compositionality in bird calls -
162nd seminar Mar. 19 2019 (Tue.)
Genome Organization as a source of genome instability -
161st seminar Mar. 05 2019 (Tue.)
Visual language of the Buddhist mural paintings in the “Indo-Iranian Style” of the Kucha Kingdom -
160th seminar Feb. 19 2019 (Tue.)
On the use of marine renewable energies for mitigating global warming and providing coastal protection -
159th seminar Jan. 15 2019 (Tue.)
Memory as an essential component for being “humans”: the study using fruit flies to uncover the underlying molecular mechanism -
158th seminar Dec. 18 2018 (Tue.)
Protein Design and Engineering Toward the Functional Biomaterials -
157th seminar Dec. 04 2018 (Tue.)
An integrated approach to understand and forecast natural ecosystem dynamics -
156th seminar Nov. 20 2018 (Tue.)
The A-bomb and Turning Points in the History of Science -
155th seminar Nov. 06 2018 (Tue.)
Promising Climate Policy Instrument or Just the Devil in Disguise
154th seminar Oct. 16 2018 (Tue.)
Discovering Linguistics: From Linguistics Olympiad to Ig Nobel Prize
153rd seminar Sep. 18 2018 (Tue.)
Electrochemical ammonia synthesis based on sustainable energy ~ Bread made from water, air, and sun ~
152nd seminar Sep. 11 2018 (Tue.)
What can we do and what should we do during Ebola outbreak?
151st seminar Jul. 17 2018 (Tue.)
Quantum computer: an intersection of information/physics, fundamental/applied, and science/engineering
150th seminar Jul. 03 2018 (Tue.)
Neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex during the course of updating knowledge for problem solution in a changing environment.
149th seminar Jun. 19 2018 (Tue.)
Low-carbon innovations and environmental policy–
148th seminar Jun. 05 2018 (Tue.)
Neural mechanisms for skilled body movements -
147th seminar May. 15 2018 (Tue.)
For connecting multiple scale networks in the brain -
146th seminar May. 08 2018 (Tue.)
Mathematical analysis of evolving surfaces -
145th seminar Apr. 03 2018 (Tue.)
The Cluster of Instruction-how to compile huge Instructions into an Epitome -
144th seminar Feb. 20 2018 (Tue.)
Quantum simulations using ultracold atoms - From quantum many-body systems to a black hole -
143rd seminar Feb. 06 2018 (Tue.)
How do cells move and divide? –Synthetic cell approach–
142nd seminar Jan. 16 2018 (Tue.)
Combination of geometry and applied mathematics: Geometric optimization
141st seminar Jan. 09 2018 (Tue.)
A non-technical introduction to magnetic oxide perovskites
140th seminar Dec. 19 2017 (Tue.)
Draw the Seven Seas and Seven Continents in International Law: Were the non-European Nations Always “Recipient” of International Law?
139th seminar Dec. 05 2017 (Tue.)
The Political Ecologies of Industrial Plantation Development and Access to Land in Laos
138th seminar Nov. 21 2017 (Tue.)
The role of soil microarthropod community in leaf and root decomposition
137th seminar Nov. 07 2017 (Tue.)
Can a study of ancient literature find an innovation?: Seeking new methods for comparative study of language style
136th seminar Oct. 17 2017 (Tue.)
Did Archaic Hominin Live in Japan? – Excavation of Torigasaki Site, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan-
135th seminar Sep. 19 2017 (Tue.)
Financial Strategy of Higher Education-Focusing on the Significance
135th seminar Sep. 19 2017 (Tue.)
Feedbacks of ecology and evolution through the lens of plankton and snails
134th seminar Sep. 05 2017 (Tue.)
Financial Strategy of Higher Education-Focusing on the Significance
133rd seminar Jul. 18 2017 (Tue.)
Introduction to von Neumann algebra theory
132nd seminar Jul. 04 2017 (Tue.)
Manipulation of gene expression of cells by LIGHT
131st seminar Jun. 20 2017 (Tue.)
Why We Love Sad Songs: Perspectives from South Asia
130th seminar Jun. 06 2017 (Tue.)
The current situation and issues of the semiconductor spintronics
129th seminar May. 23 2017 (Tue.)
A new approach to strong electron correlation in molecular electronic-structure theory
128th seminar May. 09 2017 (Tue.)
Control of primate’s decision-making and functional identification of the brain circuitry
127th seminar Apr. 04 2017 (Tue.)
Molecular fossils of RNA viruses
126th seminar Feb. 21 2017 (Tue.)
Functions generated by the microbial diversity
125th seminar Feb. 07 2017 (Tue.)
Developmental behavioral genetics on personality traits and psychopathology
124th seminar Jan. 17 2017 (Tue.)
Ancient swords and the interchange between Japan and Korea
123rd seminar Jan. 10 2017 (Tue.)
Reconstructing the past from unearthed documents
122nd seminar Dec. 20 2016 (Tue.)
Compact Objects and Transient Astronomical Phenomena
121st seminar Dec. 06 2016 (Tue.)
Linguistics forever
120th seminar Nov. 15 2016 (Tue.)
Geometry and Physics
119th seminar Nov. 01 2016 (Tue.)
How Can We Analyze "Chinese-ness" Which Exudes into South Asian Society? : To Enhance Our Understanding for Contemporary China.
118th seminar Oct. 18 2016 (Tue.)
Can we use “ethology” for controlling invader animals?
117th seminar Sep. 20 2016 (Tue.)
My philosophical practice in Kyoto University
116th seminar Jul. 19 2016 (Tue.)
Breaking barriers
116th seminar Jul. 19 2016 (Tue.)
Three years in my Hukubi days -what I have learned and challenged
115th seminar Jul. 05 2016 (Tue.)
What is possible on Hakubi? Reflections on Education and Self-Overcoming
115th seminar Jul. 05 2016 (Tue.)
Kurobi Zemi
114th seminar Jun. 21 2016 (Tue.)
Inside and Outside View of Encounters around Early Madras
114th seminar Jun. 21 2016 (Tue.)
High Energy Activity in the Central Region of the Milky Way Galaxy with the X-ray Astronomical Satellite "Hitomi
113rd seminar May. 17 2016 (Tue.)
Mysterious life of plants that have lost their photosynthetic ability and eat fungi
113rd seminar May. 17 2016 (Tue.)
Both Depletion and Excess of Oxygen Come Evil?
112nd seminar May. 10 2016 (Tue.)
Studies on Marcel Proust
111st seminar Apr. 05 2016 (Tue.)
Chinese Muslims and Islamic Reformism during the Modern Period
111st seminar Apr. 05 2016 (Tue.)
Kawase Yūzan and the Value of Free Print in the Late Edo Period
110th seminar Mar. 15 2016 (Tue.)
Deciphering the “Ubiquitin codes”
109th seminar Feb. 16 2016 (Tue.)
Genealogy of Meaning: The Unity versus Disunity of Science Debate
108th seminar Feb. 02 2016 (Tue.)
Impact of diffusion MRI on the diagnosis of the cancer
107th seminar Jan. 19 2016 (Tue.)
Biomimetic Microengineered Devices: Organ-on-a-Chip
106th seminar Dec. 15 2015 (Tue.)
What do inscriptions engraved in caves temples tell us?
105th seminar Dec. 01 2015 (Tue.)
A thought of the mantis shrimp's strike on shishi-odoshi framework
104th seminar Nov. 17 2015 (Tue.)
Reading Stories Written in Ston
103rd seminar Nov. 10 2015 (Tue.)
Inside of the head
102nd seminar Oct. 20 2015 (Tue.)
Prime, integral, rational, real, complex numbers and modular forms
101st seminar Oct. 06 2015 (Tue.)
Mysterious life of plants that have lost their photosynthetic ability and eat fungi
100th seminar Sep. 15 2015 (Tue.)
The art of swimming in the microworld
99th seminar Sep. 01 2015 (Tue.)
The End of Cellular Life Controlled by the End
98th seminar Jul. 21 2015 (Tue.)
Known knowns, Known unknowns, and Unknown unknowns
97th seminar Jul. 07 2015 (Tue.)
Oxygen-deficiency; Good or Bad for Cancer Therapy?
96th seminar Jun. 02 2015 (Tue.)
How to develop functional molecules to regulate curious functions of RNAs?
95th seminar May. 19 2015 (Tue.)
Astromineralogy from laboratories: What does stardust tell us?
94th seminar Apr. 21 2015 (Tue.)
Gravity and light: an introduction to gravitational lensing
93rd seminar Feb. 17 2015 (Tue.)
The US-Japan War and War Termination
92nd seminar Feb. 03 2015 (Tue.)
Heavenly knowledge in disguise – The Transmission of Buddhist and Christian Astral Sciences from the “West” to the “East” in the first millennium AD
91st seminar Jan. 20 2015 (Tue.)
Where Land and Sea Meet: Port Towns in the Early Modern South India
90th seminar Jan. 06 2015 (Tue.)
Patterns of Man: The Historical Role of Biography in Evaluating Human Diversity
89th seminar Dec. 16 2014 (Tue.)
Success at the Margins: Ethnographic Inquiry to Korean Entrepreneurship and Ethnic Economies in Japan
88th seminar Dec. 02 2014 (Tue.)
Regulation and Evolution of Color Pattern on Fruit Fly Wings
87th seminar Nov. 18 2014 (Tue.)
Current Status of the decipherment of Khitan Script
86th seminar Nov. 04 2014 (Tue.)
Toward better understanding of regional climate change
85th seminar Oct. 21 2014 (Tue.)
Birth of a Global Environmental Problem: Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing and Science and Politics on Global Fallout
84th seminar Oct. 07 2014 (Tue.)
Information Processing via Soft Body Dynamics
83rd seminar Sep. 16 2014 (Tue.)
The fight against illicit art trafficking, pillaging, and other forms of art crime in Asia
82nd seminar Jul. 29 2014 (Tue.)
Fight against locust in Mauritania
81st seminar Jul. 01 2014 (Tue.)
Control of thermal emission by controlling electronic and photonic states
80th seminar Jun. 17 2014 (Tue.)
Rapid evolution and population dynamics
79th seminar Jun. 03 2014 (Tue.)
A History of Postwar Japan as Told by the Cinema
78th seminar May. 20 2014 (Tue.)
Role of gut hormones in type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
77th seminar Apr. 15 2014 (Tue.)
Knots and Quantum topology
76th seminar Mar. 18 2014 (Tue.)
"Aliens" and high energy astrophysics
75th seminar Mar. 04 2014 (Tue.)
The Skill-dependent Justice
74th seminar Feb. 18 2014 (Tue.)
Resilience of ‘hunter-gatherers’ socio-culture under the large-scale plantation development in Tropical Asia
73rd seminar Feb. 04 2014 (Tue.)
Other understanding in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
72nd seminar Jan. 21 2014 (Tue.)
The Japanese Path Beyond Metaphysics: the Kyōto School and Neoplatonism
71st seminar Jan. 07 2014 (Tue.)
The effect of spawning site selection by female from the viewpoint of Ethology (Animal behaviour), and application to controlling invader animals
70th seminar Dec. 17 2013 (Tue.)
Greek Thanatology in Epigraphy
69th seminar Dec. 03 2013 (Tue.)
Right-handed snakes and left-handed snails
68th seminar Nov. 19 2013 (Tue.)
Tailoring Genomes with Molecular Scissors
67th seminar Nov. 05 2013 (Tue.)
Number concepts in non-literate societies from an ethnomathematical perspective
66th seminar Oct. 15 2013 (Tue.)
The Nature of Mind according to the Philosophy of Dzogchen: Research on Buddhist Sources from the Himalayas
65th seminar Oct. 01 2013 (Tue.)
The Experience of Border-Crossing and Revival of Islam among Chinese Muslims in Northern Thailand
64th seminar Sep. 17 2013 (Tue.)
Crop domestication and reproductive barriers
63rd seminar Jul. 16 2013 (Tue.)
Seeing the nanoscale world using atomic force microscopy
62nd seminar Jul. 02 2013 (Tue.)
Quantum physics and information processing
61st seminar Jun. 04 2013 (Tue.)
Medieval Japanese Esoteric Buddhism, Shinto, and Dragon Cults
60th seminar May. 14 2013 (Tue.)
Gauge Theory and String Theory
59th seminar May. 07 2013 (Tue.)
Power of Emotion: Faith, Ethic, and Aesthetic in Early Modern South Asia
58th seminar Apr. 16 2013 (Tue.)
Black Holes and String Theory
57th seminar Mar. 05 2013 (Tue.)
Langlands Program
56th seminar Feb. 19 2013 (Tue.)
Development and regeneration of auditory hair cells
55th seminar Feb. 05 2013 (Tue.)
Exotic Pathways to New Materials
54th seminar Jan. 22 2013 (Tue.)
Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra and a Birth of the Modern Concert —Historical overview of its concert programs—
53rd seminar Jan. 08 2013 (Tue.)
Islam holding dialogues with China
52nd seminar Dec. 18 2012 (Tue.)
Making Medicine a Business: an Economic History Perspective
51st seminar Dec. 04 2012 (Tue.)
Focusing properties and generation of spatial tailored laser beams
50th seminar Nov. 20 2012 (Tue.)
Theoretical Particle Physics and the early Universe
49th seminar Nov. 06 2012 (Tue.)
The Global Education Reform Puzzle: Putting Together the Pieces
48th seminar Oct. 16 2012 (Tue.)
From the origin of life to cell manipulation: Temperature gradients at a small scale
47th seminar Oct. 02 2012 (Tue.)
How to Build a Supertree
46th seminar Sep. 18 2012 (Tue.)
Health Care Spending Growth and Health Technology Assessment
45th seminar Sep. 04 2012 (Tue.)
Alternative Methods for Energy Conversion: Generation of Cold Light by Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
44th seminar Jul. 17 2012 (Tue.)
Closing the Regional Human Rights Gap in Asia: The Prospects for a Regional Human Rights Mechanism
43rd seminar Jul. 03 2012 (Tue.)
Health Promotion for the Elderly in the Kingdom of Bhutan
42nd seminar Jun. 26 2012 (Tue.)
Research on Science, Technology and Society
41st seminar Jun. 05 2012 (Tue.)
Visualization and manipulation of intermolecular interaction by high-pressure microscopy
40th seminar May. 15 2012 (Tue.)
Does Forest Management Alleviate Drought and Floods?
39th seminar May. 01 2012 (Tue.)
Formal Verification of Hybrid Systems with Infinitesimal Programming
38th seminar Apr. 17 2012 (Tue.)
Competitive Dynamics of Business Groups in Late-Industrialization
37th seminar Mar. 27 2012 (Tue.)
Is Protein Aggregation Our Friend or Not?
36th seminar Mar. 06 2012 (Tue.)
Adult Neurogenesis and Plasticity of the Brain
35th seminar Feb. 07 2012 (Tue.)
Language in Religious Context: Voices from Ancient Italy
34th seminar Jan. 24 2012 (Tue.)
The Changing life of the Salaryman: Examining Individualization in Japanese Society
33rd seminar Jan. 10 2012 (Tue.)
The Role of Buddhism in Creating Social Welfare: Learning from the Model of Bhutan
32nd seminar Dec. 20 2011 (Tue.)
The Nucleolus in Mammalian Oocytes
31st seminar Dec. 06 2011 (Tue.)
Past Activity of the Central Region in the Milky Way Galaxy with X-ray Observation
30th seminar Nov. 15 2011 (Tue.)
Two roles of adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP): Energy and signal
29th seminar Nov. 01 2011 (Tue.)
Observational Study of the Chemical Evolution of Galaxies
28th seminar Oct. 18 2011 (Tue.)
Entropy, Information, and The Second Law
27th seminar Oct. 04 2011 (Tue.)
Perspectives on Region and Regional Community in Southeast Asia ~Joint seminar of the Hakubi Center and Center for Southeast Asian Studies, CSEAS~
26th seminar Sep. 20 2011 (Tue.)
Mystery of Water’s Interface
25th seminar Sep. 06 2011 (Tue.)
Infinity in Mathematics
24th seminar Jul. 19 2011 (Tue.)
Recent trends and current states of robot research
23rd seminar Jul. 05 2011 (Tue.)
Evolution and Behavior of Tree Crop Genomes: How can we apply genome information to practical agriculture?
22nd seminar Jun. 21 2011 (Tue.)
Business Groups and the Wealth of Emerging Nations
21st seminar Jun. 07 2011 (Tue.)
What we (don't) know about the Universe
20th seminar May. 10 2011 (Tue.)
Ecosystem alteration by parasite: empirical evidences from riparian ecosystem
19th seminar Apr. 26 2011 (Tue.)
Conducting ethnographic research: Reflections from two Hakubi field-work perspectives
17th seminar Mar. 01 2011 (Tue.)
Extrasolar Planets and Astrobiology
16th seminar Feb. 01 2011 (Tue.)
Origin of Life and Synthetic Biology: The Expanding RNA World
15th seminar Jan. 18 2011 (Tue.)
Theory and Practice of Utilitarianism
14th seminar Dec. 21 2010 (Tue.)
Psychological and neural mechanisms involved in processing facial expressions
13rd seminar Dec. 07 2010 (Tue.)
Biological interactions through plant volatiles
12nd seminar Nov. 14 2010 (Sun.)
A tale of two coaches: The institutional differences and coaching similarities of American and Japanese basketball coaches
11st seminar Nov. 02 2010 (Tue.)
Superconductivity and recent topics
10th seminar Oct. 19 2010 (Tue.)
Number theory and zeta functions
9th seminar Oct. 05 2010 (Tue.)
Indian philosophy as classical philology
8th seminar Sep. 21 2010 (Tue.)
Linguistic diversity: What is it? Why should we care? And what can we do about it?
7th seminar Aug. 03 2010 (Tue.)
Debating strategies to foster Nevanlinna prize winners from Kyoto university
6th seminar Jul. 20 2010 (Tue.)
On the automated exploration of unknown chemical reaction pathways using quantum mechanical calculations
5th seminar Jul. 06 2010 (Tue.)
An approach toward the mechanism of tacit knowledge as implicit cognitive function
4th seminar Jun. 15 2010 (Tue.)
Investigating the mechanisms of memory using genetically-engineered mice
3rd seminar Jun. 01 2010 (Tue.)
Why do kidneys fail and how do they regenerate?
2nd seminar Apr. 27 2010 (Tue.)
"Arms races" of insects and plants: Exploring the process of co-evolution as revealed by fieldwork studies
1st seminar Apr. 13 2010 (Tue.)
Encouraging trans-border approaches
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