Recruit information
【Global Type】
※The 8th period (2017) open call for participants has ended.
In 2009, Kyoto University inaugurated the Hakubi Project to Foster and Support Young Researchers (“the Project”), in which the University appoints promising young researchers to support their research activities as world-leading researchers and to develop visionary researchers who will pioneer new paths in their respective academic fields.
Since 2015, the Project supports two types of appointments: Global Type and Tenure-track Type. The Tenure-track Type is a part of “the Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER)” subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan (MEXT).
This Call for Applications is the announcement of the Global Type. Detailed information of the Tenure-track Type will be announced on the website of the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research around the beginning of March 2017.
1.Target Research Areas
Research programs in the entire range of basic and applied studies in all academic fields, from humanities to social and natural sciences.
【Reference】Research field
Researchers with a doctoral degree (or equivalent research abilities). All nationalities are accepted.
Only those who have been hired in the Hakubi Project to Foster and Support Young Researchers are not eligible to apply.
Around 10 applicants will be appointed.
4.Employment Conditions
- Selected applicants will be appointed as program-specific full-time faculty members (associate professor or assistant professor with an annual salary under limited-term contracts), in compliance with the Rules of Employment for Fixed-Term Program-Specific Faculty Members. Their salaries will be determined in accordance with the existing employment regulations of Kyoto University.
- Their affiliation will be the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research (“the Center”), Kyoto University.
- The term of appointment will begin on October 1st 2017 in principle, but can be adjusted according to the requirements of individual researchers.
- The period of service will be five years in principle.
- They will be eligible for MEXT mutual aid association membership, employees’ pension, employment insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance.
- The Center does not have any research facilities. Accordingly, individual researchers are asked to make their own arrangements where possible, by finding a “host” (researcher/institution/faculty) within Kyoto University that is willing to provide suitable research facilities.
- The university will provide each researcher with an annual research fund of approximately 1 to 4 million yen, depending on a number of factors such as the research plans of each individual.
- These individuals will be referred to by the title of “Kyoto University Hakubi researcher” in recognition of their excellent research abilities to pioneer a new path in their respective academic fields.
- Researchers on this project shall prepare annual reports on their research activities, and are also required to give presentations on their research results at the end of their fixed term. Although self-assessment shall be implemented according to the regulations of Kyoto University, the Center does not conduct any evaluations.
5.Screening Method
- Primary screening:
An expert committee at the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University from the applicant’s respective academic fields will examine application documents, focusing on academic achievements and research plans.
- Secondary screening:
The Hakuraku Council under the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University will conduct interviews. In addition to applicants’ academic achievements, the Council will evaluate their potential to become leading figures in the future global academic community. Interviews will be held at Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University.
- Third screening:
The Steering Committee of the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University will make the final decision as to who is accepted as a Hakubi researcher, considering the results of interviews held by the Hakuraku Council, etc.
6.Results of Screening
Results of the screening will be sent to all applicants by e-mail.
Please note that information on the process of the screening and reasons for pass/fail will not be provided.
7.How to Apply / Deadline
1) Register the applicant’s information using the form available on the website below.
2) When your online registration is completed successfully, you will receive an automatic
acknowledgement (or confirmation) e-mail.
3) Upload your proposal for the Kyoto University Hakubi Project to Foster and Support Young
Researchers [Global Type] on the website, as indicated in the acknowledgement e-mail of the
online registration.
4) Applications will be accepted only after the online registration is completed and the proposal is
uploaded. Please note that both conditions must be fulfilled for evaluations to be made.
“Guidelines for Preparing a Proposal Form” explains each section. Please read it before registering the online registration.
【Reference】Guidelines for Preparing a Proposal Form
- Registration form:
13:00 (Japan time), Monday February 27, 2017 The deadline has passed.
- Deadline for online registration:
13:00 (Japan time), Monday February 27, 2017
- Deadline for upload of proposal:
13:00 (Japan time), Monday March 13, 2017
*We will send an acknowledgement email of your application within a week from the Deadline for upload of the proposal. If you did not receive an email, please contact
hakubi*mail.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace “*” with “@”).
8.Hakubi Application Information Meeting
Information on the Hakubi Project will be provided at the meetings detailed below. Send an e-mail to the address below to register your participation. When sending the email, include your name, affiliation, position, telephone number, and the location of the meeting that you would like to attend. We must receive it one day at the latest before each meeting respectively.
However, you may participate in the meeting without prior registration.
E-mail address for registration of Information Meeting:
hakubi*mail.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace “*” with “@”)
[Information Meeting in Kyoto]
[Information Meeting in Tokyo]
9.Contact Information
Please see more detailed information in the FAQ.
If you have further questions, please contact us via e-mail. Inquiries by phone will not be accepted.
The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University
- E-mail : hakubi*mail.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace “*” with “@”.)
- Personal information contained in the application documents will be used only for the purpose of screening applicants and the recruiting procedure, never for any other purpose without applicants’ consent.
- Expenses needed to apply for this project shall be borne by the applicants in principle.
- Kyoto University supports a gender-equal society. We hope that many female researchers will apply for the Hakubi Project.
- If you have any further questions regarding this application procedure, please refer to the FAQ pages.