In 2009, Kyoto University inaugurated the Hakubi Project to Foster and Support Young Researchers (“the Project”), in which the University appoints promising young researchers to support their research activities as world-leading researchers and to develop visionary researchers Following the past recruitment system. In addition to【Global type】 which followed the previous hakubi project, We recruited by【Tenure-track Type】 utilizing "Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers(LEADER)" for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan. As a result, 5 researchers are hired.
Name | Name of Departments | Research Field (Field) |
Research Field (Discipline) |
Post | Working Form |
Keisuke Fujii | Graduate School of Science | Mathematical and physical sciences | Mathematics | Associate Professor | Tenure-track Type |
Keisuke Takasao | Graduate School of Science | Mathematical and physical sciences | Physics | Associate Professor | Tenure-track Type |
Masanori Shimono | Graduate School of Medicine | Integrated Disciplines | Frontiers of informatics | Associate Professor | Tenure-track Type |
Takaya Ogawa | Graduate School of Energy Science | Engineering | Process/Chemical engineering | Assistant Professor | Tenure-track Type |
Yuki Furuse | Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences | Medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy | Basic medicine | Assistant Professor | Tenure-track Type |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Website Link
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Website Link