Data of applicants
Number of applicants
- Nationality Japan: 391, Other Countries: 126 (Percentage of other countries: 24.4%)
- Address Japan: 411, Other Countries: 106 (Percentage of other countries: 20.5%)
- Kyoto U Affiliate: 183, Others: 334 (Percentage of others: 64.6%)
- Male: 421, Female: 96 (Percentage of females: 18.6%)
- Average age: 34.2
* Classifications based on the proposals written by applicants.
Reference: Data of applicants in 2009
Number of applicants: 588
- Nationality Japan: 468, Other Countries: 120 (Percentage of other countries: 20.4%)
- Address Japan: 476, Other Countries: 112 (Percentage of other countries: 19.0%)
- Kyoto U Affiliate: 226, Others: 362 (Percentage of others: 61.6%)
- Male: 458, Female: 130 (Percentage of females: 22.1%)