Recruit: Feb. 2017
Term: Oct. 2017 ~
The following 12 researchers are working at the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University.
The Map of Hakubi Researchers.
:Global Type
:Tenure-track Type
● Aiko NAKAI Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
International Law
Research Topic:
Regional International Law and "Dialogue of Courts" in Latin America and the Caribbean
Short Introduction
Dispute settlements through judicial bodies are increasing in the world. Nowadays we have not only national courts, but also international courts and tribunals (bilateral, multilateral, regional or universal) which make judicial decisions on various matters under each jurisdiction. On some issues, these national or international judicial bodies do take similar positions, give similar judgments and thus promote international integration transcending the boundaries. In other cases, on the contrary, they refuse to adopt a uniform solution, and thus protect the particularity and diversity. It's the courts and tribunals that are actually promoting or suppressing the globalization of law in contemporary world. One of the keys to dealing with on-going globalization is found in the interactions between the judicial bodies. The aim of my researches is to draw insights from the experiences of Latin American and Caribbean courts so as to find a possible way to reconcile the need for the preservation of national or regional particularity with the need for global integration.
Latest News
Oct. 15, 2018
Assistant Professor Aiko Nakai(Graduate School of Law) published a paper in The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy
Oct. 15, 2018
Aiko Nakai gave a talk “Bridging the Perception Gap between Investing States and Host States: Rethinking Calvo, Drago, and Other Latin American Doctrines at The Biennial Conference of Latin American Society of International Law (Torcuato Di Tella University, Argentina, Sept. 24-25, 2018)
Sep. 19, 2018
Aiko Nakai gave a talk “Latin American International Law as the First Regional International Law: The First Step of Irreversible Relativisation of European International Law”, at The 2018 Conference of European Society of International Law, IG History of International Law (The University of Manchester, UK, 13-15 September 2018).
Apr. 10, 2018
Aiko NAKAI gave a talk on "La contribution de l'Argentine à l'évolution du droit international : le passé et l'avenir", at the International Conference, Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Argentina (Ottawa University, Embassy of Argentine Republic, Canada, March 22-24, 2018).
Feb. 15, 2018
Aiko NAKAI gave a talk "To Seek the Basis of Regional International Law: The Conceptions of American International Law by 19th Century’s Latin American Thinkers", at the International Conference, Latin America and International Law. (Universität Hamburg, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Germany, Feb. 8-9, 2018).
Oct. 30, 2017
Aiko NAKAI published “Regional System of States and Alternative International Norms: "Legal" Pan-Americanism of Latin America in the 19th Century” in International Relations, vol. 189, Oct. 2017, pp.65-80. (Japan Association of International Relations ed.)