The following 13 researchers are working at the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University.
:Global Type
:Tenure-track Type
Research Interests: Informatics, Physics
Research Topic: Intelligence Informatics of Music Creation Based on Statistical Learning and Evolution Theories
Host Department: Graduate School of Informatics
Previous Affiliation: Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
After born in a family of artists and having been fascinated by natural science, I have been interested in scientifically understanding how intelligence works in arts and culture since my childhood. In particular, I'm studying the mechanism of acquiring and transmitting "implicit knowledge" of artistic expressions in viewpoints of informatics and physics. Knowledge about expression styles such as characteristics of individual artists or of genres in musical composition and performance, for example, is difficult to describe with grammatical rules, and the process of learning statistical features of data is considered to play an important role in its acquisition. In addition, expression styles change over time and regularities in time evolution of music styles have been found in large-scale data analyses. My current goal is to reveal the origin and evolutionary laws of artistic expressions by theoretically and experimentally studying the time evolution of expression styles transmitted through statistical learning.
Research activity status (external page)