The call for applications for the 13th Hakubi Researchers will close at 13.00 on June 30, 2022.
<ENGLISH: Call for Applications>
Some applicants have informed us that they are unable to correct or update their user registration information.
If you are experiencing the same problem, please provide the Hakubi Center by email with specific information as below.
1. your acceptance number
2. your information before the correction
3. what you would like to correct
E-mail: hakubi * mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please change * to @)
Some applicants have informed us that they have not received their registration completion email or proposal upload completion email.
If you can log in even if the e-mail was not delivered, there is no problem.
If you cannot log in, please contact us again.
When uploading a proposal, a completion e-mail is also sent from the server.
If you did not receive this confirmation email, it is expected that you will not receive it.
To check your proposal, you will see the uploaded PDF file at the end of your page after you log in.
Please check it by yourself.
The Hakubi center will send you an acceptance email approximately one week after the proposal upload deadline.
If you do not hear from us, please contact us again.