Research Interests: Categorical Duality, Mathematical Philosophy
Research Topic: Categorical Foundations of Mathematics, Physics, and Language, and a Unified Image of the World
Since the modernist killing of Natural Philosophy seeking a universal conception of the Cosmos as a united whole, our system of knowledge has been optimised for the sake of each particular domain, and has accordingly been massively fragmented and disenchanted. And we now lack a unified view of the world, living in the age of disunity surrounded by myriads of uncertainties and contingencies. Whilst reconsidering the Amane Nishi's programme “Interweaving a Hundred of Sciences” and the Kyoto School's ideal “Overcoming Modernity” as a matter of the unity of science, this Hakubi project is an attempt to “re-enchant” the world, embarking upon the enterprise of building an informational unified image of the world as a coherent whole on the basis of Categorical Unified Science, a theory of everything qua structural networks. The ultimate aim is at realising the Kyoto School's dream "A Construction of a Unified Worldview as the Fundamental Challenge of the Contemporary Era."