Research Interests: Astrophysics
Research Topic: Modified general relativity and gravitational lensing tests
Having been fascinated by the universe since childhood, Marcus became interested in the theory of gravity at Cambridge University. While Einstein's general relativity is a highly successful theory, gravity remains, arguably, the least understood of the fundamental forces. Thus, it is desirable to study possible modifications of general relativity. At Kyoto University, Marcus will investigate a new approach to construct modified gravity theories which necessarily respect causality. Developing astrophysical tests for these theories will then be the next challenge in this project. It is expected that such tests will use gravitational lensing, that is, the influence of gravity on light. Marcus has previously worked on mathematical as well as on observational aspects of this field, and hopes that this research will ultimately shed some new light on the fundamental structure of our universe. In addition to these scientific pursuits, he is also interested in history and philosophy.