the top of this page
- Feb. 17, 2025
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12 batch・Graduate School of Letters) received M. Matsushita Academic Award by K. Matsushita Foundation.
- Feb. 14, 2025
Assistant Professor Toru Matsumoto (12 batch・Graduate School of Science) published a book "Engineering Crystal Habit: Applications of Polymorphism and Microstexture Learning from Nature" (Springer).
- Feb. 13, 2025
Associate Professor OTANI Yuka (14 batch・The Institute for Research in Humanities (Jinbunken)) published a Book. (性なる仏教, 勉誠社)
- Feb. 3, 2025
Associate Professor Hitomi Omata Rappo (12 batch・Institute for Research in Humanities) was elected as a recipient of the 21st Japan Academy Medal by the Japan Academy.
- Jan. 29, 2025
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota(13 batch・Graduate School of Law) published a paper online. (Horitsu Jiho)
- Jan. 27, 2025
Assistant Professor Shiho Ebihara (14 batch・Graduate School of Letters) published a paper.
- Jan. 27, 2025
Assistant Professor Shiho Ebihara (14 batch・Graduate School of Letters) published a book, "Amdo-Tibetan Pronunciation and Conversation (Revised Edition)".
- Jan. 23, 2025
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota(13 batch・Graduate School of Law)will give a talk in the Opening Session of "The Exchange of the Intellectual Essence of Research."
- Jan. 16, 2025
Associate Professor Minowa, Yosuke (14b batch・Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Nature Physics)
- Jan. 16, 2025
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota (13 batch・Graduate School of Law) gave a talk at Kyushu University.
- Jan. 16, 2025
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota (13 batch・Graduate School of Law) gave a talk at Kyushu University.
- Jan. 16, 2025
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13th Batch, Center for Southeast Asian Studies) published an opinion piece on carbon trading between Japan and ASEAN.
- Jan. 14, 2025
Assistant Professor Amane Tajika (13 batch・Graduate School of Human and Environmental Sciences) published a paper online.(Swiss Journal of Palaeontology)
- Jan. 6, 2025
Making festivals elephant-friendly in Nepal
- Dec. 23, 2024
Assistant Professor Shiho Ebihara (14 batch・Graduate School of Letters) gave a talk in the ceremony of the 18th Hiratsuka Raicho prize, at Japan Women's University.
- Dec. 20, 2024
Associate Professor Hitomi Omata Rappo (12 batch・Institute for Research in Humanities) received the 21st (FY 2024) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Award.
- Dec. 17, 2024
Associate Professor Naho Konoike (13 batch, Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior) published a paper and videos online. (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
- Dec. 11, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12 batch・Graduate School of Letters) gave a talk at Wolfson College, University of Oxford.
- Dec. 11, 2024
Assistant Professor Youdiil Ophinni (14batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) gave a guest lecture at Hasanuddin University.
- Dec. 5, 2024
Assistant Professor Patrick Vierthaler (14 batch・Institute for Research in Humanities) was interviewed by Austrian daily "Der Standard" on South Korean current affairs.
- Dec. 5, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13 batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) was quoted in a Bloomberg article on the Philippines.
- Nov. 22, 2024
Sodium carbonates on Ryugu as evidence of highly saline water in the outer Solar System
- Nov. 22, 2024
Assistant Professor Youdiil Ophinni (14batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) gave an invited talk at the International Symposium: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Biomedical Research held by Sam Ratulangi University.
- Nov. 21, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes published an opinion piece on Nikkei Asia.
- Nov. 21, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13th Batch, Center for Southeast Asian Studies) presented at the 48th Southeast Asian Seminar held in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Nov. 21, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13th Batch, Center for Southeast Asian Studies) participated in a critical minerals workshop at the Transnational Institute in the Netherlands.
- Nov. 20, 2024
Assistant Professor Vu Ha Thu (13 batch, Graduate School of Economics) and others published a paper online. (Energy Policy)
- Nov. 15, 2024
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota (13 batch・Graduate of School) received the Joji Tagami Prize by the Japanese Association of Comparative Constitutional Law
- Nov. 13, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12 batch・Graduate School of Letters) published a paper.
- Nov. 11, 2024
Assistant Professor Patrick Vierthaler (14 batch・Institute for Research in Humanities) gave a talk at Osaka Prefecture University.
- Nov. 7, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12 batch・Graduate School of Letters) gives a talk at the Buddhist Forum, SOAS, University of London.
- Nov. 7, 2024
Assistant Professor Youdiil Ophinni (14batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) gave an oral presentation at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology.
- Nov. 7, 2024
Assistant Professor Youdiil Ophinni (14batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) gave an invited talk at the Scientific Health Seminar of Clinical Laboratory Experts 2024 held by Airlangga University.
- Nov. 7, 2024
Assistant Professor Naritaka Oshita (13 batch・Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics) published a paper online. (Physical Review D)
- Oct. 28, 2024
Ai Nishida Associate Professor (11batch・Institute for Research in Humanities) gave a talk at the Conference of Association of the History of Buddhism.
- Oct. 17, 2024
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota (13 batch・Graduate School of Law) gave a talk at the University of Szczecin.
- Oct. 9, 2024
Assistant Professor Patrick Vierthaler (14 batch・Institute for Research in Humanities) published a paper online (European Journal of Korean Studies).
- Oct. 7, 2024
Assistant Professor Tatsuya Sakamoto (14 batch・Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies) published a paper online.(Limnology and Oceanography Letters)
- Oct. 7, 2024
Assistant Professor Tatsuya Sakamoto (14 batch・Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies) published a paper online.(Scientific Reports)
- Oct. 7, 2024
Assistant Professor Tatsuya Sakamoto (14 batch・Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies) published a paper online. (Fisheries Research)
- Oct. 7, 2024
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota (13batch・Graduate of School) gave a talk at Sapienza Università di Roma.
- Sep. 30, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12batch・Graduate School of Letters) gives a talk at Austrian Academy of Sciences.
- Sep. 27, 2024
Associate Professor Kosuke Inoue (13batch・Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper online.(BMJ)
- Sep. 27, 2024
Associate Professor Kosuke Inoue (13batch・Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper online.(JAMA Neurology)
- Sep. 27, 2024
Assistant Professor Naritaka Oshita (13batch・Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics) published a paper online.(Physical Review D)
- Sep. 26, 2024
Associate Professor Kosuke Inoue (13batch・Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper online.(JAMA Internal Medicine)
- Sep. 20, 2024
Associate Professor Toshiya ANDO (12 batch), Associate Professor Hideki NAKAMURA (12 batch) and Assistant Professor Han BAO (12 batch) were named one of the recipients of the JST CREST/PRESTO program of Japan Science and Technology Agency.
- Sep. 19, 2024
Associate Professor Toshiya Ando (12 batch・Graduate School of Agriculture) organized a symposium and gave a talk at the International Congress of Entomology.
- Sep. 10, 2024
Assistant Professor Youdiil Ophinni (14batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) gave a guest lecture at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia.
- Aug. 21, 2024
Assistant Professor Shiho Ebihara (14th batch・Graduate School of Letters) gave a talk in the workshop “Journey to Tibet by Ears and Eyes”.
- Aug. 19, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) published a paper online. (Monthly Review)
- Aug. 19, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) presented at the SEASIA Biennial Conference 2024 at the University of the Philippines, Diliman.
- Aug. 19, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) presented and co-organised an international workshop on green developmentalism at CSEAS, Kyoto University.
- Aug. 5, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12batch・Graduate School of Letters) published a paper. Shigaku-Zasshi
- Aug. 5, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12batch・Graduate School of Letters) appeared in a video interview on Science Talks TV.
- Aug. 5, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12batch・Graduate School of Letters) appeared in a video interview on Science Talks TV.
- Aug. 1, 2024
Junior Associate Professor HONGO Shun (14batch・ASAFAS) published a paper online.(International Journal of Primatology)
- Aug. 1, 2024
Associate Professor Minowa Yosuke (14batch・Graduate School of Science) gave an invited talk at 2024 International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids.
- Jul. 31, 2024
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota (13batch・Graduate School of Law) gave a talk at The 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference (IE University Law School, Madrid, Spain).
- Jul. 31, 2024
Assistant Professor Kosuke Namekata (14th batch・Graduate School of Science) gave an invited talk at Kashikojima Hojoen.
- Jul. 31, 2024
Associate Professor Kosuke Namekata (14batch・Graduate School of Science) gave an invited talk at Osaka Kyoiku University
- Jul. 31, 2024
Assistant Professor Kosuke Namekata (14th batch・Graduate School of Science) gave a talk and participated in a panel discussion at COOL STARS 22 held at University of California San Diego.
- Jul. 31, 2024
Assistant Professor Kosuke Namekata (14th batch・Graduate School of Science) gave a review talk (invited talk) at IAU Symposium held at the Jagiellonian University.
- Jul. 30, 2024
Associate Professor Naho Konoike (13 batch・Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior) published a paper in Acoustical Science and Technology.
- Jul. 30, 2024
Associate Professor Ikue OTANI (12batch・Institute for the Research in Humanities) gave a talk at the Kyoto University Museum.
- Jul. 22, 2024
Assistant Professor Han Bao (12 batch・Department of Informatics) presents a paper titled "Self-attention Networks Localize When QK-eigenspectrum Concentrates" at International Conference on Machine Learning.
- Jul. 16, 2024
Assistant Professor Patrick Vierthaler (14batch・Institute for the Research in Humanities) published a paper online. (Korean Studies)
- Jul. 11, 2024
Assistant Professor GAO Jie (13batch・Wildlife Research Center) published a paper online.(Scientific Reports)
- Jul. 9, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) was quoted in a Bloomberg article on the Philippines.
- Jul. 9, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) participated in a panel discussion on energy security in the ASEAN region at the Bali workshop on Indo Pacific Collaboration.
- Jul. 9, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (13batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) co-organized and moderated a webinar on carbon trading.
- Jul. 3, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12batch・Graduate School of Letters) give a talk at the Khyentse Center Guest Lecture Series, Universität Hamburg.
- Jul. 1, 2024
Assistant Professor Youdiil Ophinni (14batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) gave a guest lecture at University of Indonesia.
- Jun. 24, 2024
Assistant Professor Naritaka Oshita (13batch・Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics) published a paper online.(Physical Review D)
- Jun. 24, 2024
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota (13batch・Graduate School of Law) published a paper online.(Collana di Studi 13)
- Jun. 24, 2024
Assistant Professor Youdiil Ophinni (14batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) published a paper online. (JMIR Formative Research)
- Jun. 20, 2024
Assistant Professor Sanjeeta SHARMA POKHAREL (14batch・Asian and African Area of Studies) will be presenting at a symposium she is co-organizing.
- Jun. 17, 2024
Assistant Professor Youdiil Ophinni (14batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) gave an invited lecture at Airlangga University.
- Jun. 7, 2024
Assistant Professor Youdiil Ophinni (14batch・Center for Southeast Asian Studies) received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 1st International Conference on Drugs Research and Policy.
- Jun. 7, 2024
Associate Professor Ai Nishida (11batch・Institute for Research in Humanities) gave a talk at the Attested Middle Chinese II Symposium, Indiana University Europe Gateway.
- Jun. 5, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12batch・Graduate School of Letters) will give a talk at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.
- Jun. 5, 2024
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota(13batch・Graduate School of Law) gave a talk and Q&A session at Sophia University.
- Jun. 5, 2024
Junior Associate Professor HONGO Shun (14batch・ASAFAS) supervised a picture book.(MOVE Mammals 2nd edition)
- May. 28, 2024
Assistant Professor Ikue OTANI (12batch・Institute for Research in Humanities) translated and published a book "Treasures of the Xiongnu" (Yuzankaku inc.).
- May. 24, 2024
Associate Professor Aya Nakama (13batch・Graduate School of Letters) received the 31st Kajima Foundation for the Arts Award by the Kajima Foundation for the Arts.
- May. 13, 2024
Assistant Professor Naritaka Oshita (13batch・Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics) published a paper online.
- May. 10, 2024
Associate Professor Tomonori Nakamura (11 batch・Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi) has been featured.
- May. 10, 2024
Assistant Professor Naritaka Oshita (13batch・Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics) published a paper online.
- May. 8, 2024
Science Talks TV has launched a special page for the Hakubi Center
- May. 8, 2024
The Mainichi Newspaper (evening edition) published an article introducing the paper presented by Assistant Professor Sayaka Tojima (12batch・The Kyoto University Museum) on May 2.
- Apr. 24, 2024
Assistant Professor Miki KADOTA (13 batch・Graduate School of Law) published a book, "Freedom of Assembly and the Right to the ’Place’"(Shogakusha).
- Apr. 5, 2024
Associate Professor Kosuke Inoue (13 batch・Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine) has been featured in 紅萠(Kurenai Moyuru), Vol.45 (in Japanese).
- Apr. 5, 2024
Associate Professor Sayaka Tojima(12th batch・The Kyoto University Museum)published a paper online.
- Apr. 4, 2024
Associate Professor Ai Nishida (11batch・Institute for Research in Humanities) published a co-authored book, Literature of the Early Buddhist Propagation in Old Tibetan manuscripts and Transformation of the Funeral Rittes, Studies in Old Tibetan texts from Central Asia vol. 3 (STUDIA TIBETACA vol. 51) ([Toyo Bunko]).
- Apr. 1, 2024
Assistant Professor Naritaka Oshita(13batch・Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics) received the 15th Research Incentive Award (Ohbu Award) by RIKEN.
- Mar. 19, 2024
Hakubi Center featured on Science Talks TV
- Mar. 19, 2024
The Kyoto University Hakubi Center Newsletter, Vol.21 (in Japanese) was published.
- Mar. 18, 2024
Associate Professor Ai Nishida(11 batch ・Institute for Research in Humanities) gave a talk at Toyo Bunko.
- Mar. 6, 2024
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (12 batch・Graduate School of Letters) gave a talk at the Tibetan Graduate Studies Seminar, Wolfson College and Tibetan & Himalayan Studies Center, University of Oxford.
- Mar. 1, 2024
Assistant Professor Sayaka Tojima (12th batch・The Kyoto University Museum) will appear on the NHK TV program on 7 March, 19:57 to 20:42.
- Mar. 1, 2024
The research project in which Associate Professor Kohei Kusada is involved will be introduced on NHK's "Science ZERO".
- Feb. 21, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (Center for Southeast Asian Studies) organised and presented at a Philippine Political Economy workshop at Kyoto University
- Feb. 15, 2024
Assistant Professor Amane TAJIKA (13batch・Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies) received Research Award by the Palaeontological Society of Japan.
- Feb. 8, 2024
Assistant Professor Shun SATOH (13th batch・Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Fisheries)
- Feb. 5, 2024
Associate Professor Komei KADOWAKI (11th batch・Graduate School of Agriculture) published a paper online (Population Ecology)
- Feb. 5, 2024
Komei KADOWAKI Associate Professor (11th batch・Graduate School of Agriculture) published a paper online (Ecological Research)
- Feb. 1, 2024
Associate Professor Hirokazu TAHARA (12th batch・Institute for Chemical Research) published a paper online. (Nature Nanotechnology)
- Jan. 29, 2024
Assistant Professor Miki Kadota (13th batch・Graduate School of Law) received the award by Zenkokuken.
- Jan. 26, 2024
Assistant Professor Shunsuke ADACHI (12th batch・Graduate School of Science) published a paper online. (Physical Review D)
- Jan. 26, 2024
Assistant Professor Shunsuke ADACHI (12th batch・Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Review of Scientific Instruments)
- Jan. 12, 2024
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (Center for Southeast Asian Studies) published a book chapter. (In Contemporary Economic Geographies: Inspiring, Critical and Plural Perspectives, Bristol University Press)
- Jan. 5, 2024
Associate Professor Kohei Kusada (11th batch・iCeMS/Grad. Sch. Sci.) published a paper online.(Journal of the American Chemical Society)
- Dec. 26, 2023
Assistant Professor VU Ha Thu (Graduate School of Economics) presented at the Young JADE Conference
- Dec. 14, 2023
Assistant Professor Shin-Ru Cheng presents at Taiwan Fair Trade Commission Annual Symposium of 2023
- Dec. 11, 2023
Assistant Professor Shin-Ru CHENG gives a talk at University of Aberdeen Faculty of Law Workshop (online)
- Dec. 11, 2023
Assistant Professor Shin-Ru Cheng gives delivers lecture at Soochow University School of Law (Inveited speaker)
- Dec. 1, 2023
Assistant Professor Toru Matsumoto (Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences) published a paper online.(Nature Astronomy)
- Nov. 28, 2023
Assistant Professor Julie de los Reyes (Center for Southeast Asian Studies) gave a talk at the Asian Conference for Young Scholars of Southeast Asian Studies at Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
- Nov. 28, 2023
Assistant Professor Eita Nakamura (Graduate School of Informatics) received Best Paper Award at the 16th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research.
- Nov. 28, 2023
Assistant Professor Naritaka Oshita (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics) published a paper online. (Physical Review D)
- Nov. 28, 2023
Associate Professor Kohei Kusada (iCeMS/Grad. Sch. Sci.) will give a talk at Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC).
- Nov. 28, 2023
Associate Professor Kohei Kusada (iCeMS/Grad. Sch. Sci.) published a paper online.(J. Am. Chem. Soc.)
- Nov. 15, 2023
Associate Professor Kosuke Inoue (Graduate School of Medicine) received Innovators Under 35 Japan 2023 by MIT Technology Review.
- Nov. 15, 2023
Associate Professor Hitomi Omata Rappo (Institute for Research in Humanities) received the 45th (2023) Suntory Academic Prize for her book "Japan as the Land of Martyrs: The Impact of the Japanese Mission in Early Modern Europe", published by Nagoya University Press
- Nov. 2, 2023
Associate Professor Pascal Lottaz (Graduate School of Law) published an edited book, "Neutral Europe and the Creation of the Nonproliferation Regime 1958-1968" (Routledge).
- Nov. 1, 2023
Assistant Professor Yuta Morii (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online. (Behaviour)
- Oct. 27, 2023
Associate Professor Tadashi TANABE (Graduate School of Letters) published a paper.(MUSEUM, no. 705)
- Sep. 28, 2023
Associate Professor Hideki Nakamura (Graduate School of Engineering) published a paper online. (Cell Reports)
- Sep. 26, 2023
Associate Professor Kosuke Inoue (Graduate School of Medicine and School of Public Health) received Medical Research Encouragement Prize of The Japan Medical Association.
- Sep. 20, 2023
The book review on the Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities)'s publication, Traces of the Sarvāstivādins in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha, was published on Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient 108 by Prof. Nobuyoshi Yamabe (Waseda University).
- Sep. 7, 2023
Assistant Professor Toshiyuki Harumoto (Graduate School of Biostudies) published a paper online.(Current Biology)
- Sep. 4, 2023
A video featuring Dr Sayaka Tojima, Assistant Professor (The Kyoto University Museum), is now available.
- Jul. 27, 2023
Associate Professor Nobuyuki KAKIUCHI (Department of Medicine) published a paper online.(Nature)
- Jul. 25, 2023
Assistant Professor Sayaka Tojima (The Kyoto University Museum) give a keynote lecture at the XXVIII International Symposium for Morphological Sciences (ISMS) in Cape Town, SA.
- Jul. 25, 2023
Assistant Professor Sayaka Tojima (The Kyoto University Museum) give a keynote lecture at the XXVIII International Symposium for Morphological Sciences (ISMS) in Cape Town, SA.
- Jul. 25, 2023
Associate Professor Kohei Kusada (iCeMS/Grad. Sch. Sci.) published a paper online. (Continuous-Flow Chemical Synthesis for Sub-2 nm Ultra-Multielement Alloy Nanoparticles Consisting of Group IV to XV Elements) on J. Am. Chem. Soc.
- Jun. 26, 2023
Associate Professor Hirokazu TAHARA (Institute for Chemical Research) published a paper online. (Applied Physics Letters)
- Jun. 26, 2023
Associate Professor Kosuke Inoue (Department of Social Epidemiology) received Young Investigator Award by the Japan Endocrine Society.
- Jun. 15, 2023
The Symposium on Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B) “SPEED", headed by Assistant Professor Yuta Suzuki (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies), will be held on July 10, 2012.
- May. 8, 2023
Assistant Professor Naritaka Oshita (Yukawa Institute) contributed to the membership journal of the Physical Society of Japan
- May. 8, 2023
Assistant Professor Naritaka Oshita (Yukawa Institute) will give an invited talk at the conference “Quantum Spacetime in the Cosmos: From Conception to Reality” (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada).
- Apr. 6, 2023
Associate Professor Hitomi Omata Rappo (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a book, "Japan as the Land of Martyrs: The Impact of the Japanese Mission in. Early Modern Europe" (Nagoya University Press).
- Apr. 6, 2023
Associate Professor Hitomi Omata Rappo (Institute for Research in Humanities) contributed to a book, "Iwanami Lectures on World History" (Iwanami Shoten).
- Mar. 30, 2023
Associate Professor Hirokazu Tahara (Institute for Chemical Research) gave a talk at the JPS Spring Meeting 2023.
- Mar. 23, 2023
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Communications Physics)
- Mar. 23, 2023
Assistant Professor Toshiyuki Harumoto (Graduate School of Biostudies) published a paper online.(Nature Communications)
- Mar. 20, 2023
Associate Professor Hirokazu Tahara (Institute for Chemical Research) gave a talk at the 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023.
- Mar. 20, 2023
Assistant Professor Han Bao (Graduate School of Informatics) received Funai Information Technology Award for Young Researchers by Funai Information Science Promotion Foundation.
- Mar. 8, 2023
Associate Professor CHING Chao-jung (Institute for Research in Humanities) and others published a book, "Ancient Central Asian Writings in the National Museum of Korea II—Written Materials Excavated from the Tarim Basin" (National Museum of Korea).
- Mar. 8, 2023
Associate Professor Ching Chao-jung (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a paper.(Studies on the Inner Asian Languages)
- Mar. 7, 2023
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (Graduate School of Letters) give a talk at the BuddhistRoad Guest Lecture.
- Feb. 28, 2023
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Scientific Reports)
- Feb. 20, 2023
Assistant Professor Shunsuke Adachi (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online. (Physical Review Letters)
- Feb. 2, 2023
Associate Professor Komei Kadowaki and Assistant Professor Masato Yamamichi translated a book by Gary Mittelbach and Brian McGill, now being published on 2023.2.17 from Maruzen Publishing Group.
- Jan. 27, 2023
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) give a talk at The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023.
- Jan. 23, 2023
Associate Professor Tadashi TANABE (Graduate School of Letters) published a paper online.(Kokka)
- Jan. 11, 2023
Assistant Professor Dr. Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) gave a webinar at the Dunhuang Foundation / Rice University's Department of Transnational Asian Studies.
- Jan. 6, 2023
Assistant Professor Toru Matsumoto (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Nature Astronomy)
- Jan. 5, 2023
An article (in Japanese) was published in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper on Dec 24, 2022, in which Dr Sayaka Tojima assisted in the interview.
- Dec. 8, 2022
Associate Professor Tadashi TANABE published a book, Gandharan Art and the Thought of Rising to Heaven (Chuo Koron Bijutsu Shuppan).
- Dec. 8, 2022
Associate Professor Tadashi TANABE published a book, Courtisans in Gandhara (Yanagihara Shuppan)
- Nov. 14, 2022
An article on a paper written by Assistant Professor Sayaka Tojima (The Kyoto University Museum) and others was featured on the JST international science news website.
- Nov. 14, 2022
Assistant Professor Han Bao (Department of Informatics) published a paper online.(Transactions on Machine Learning Research)
- Nov. 14, 2022
Assistant Professor Han Bao (Department of Informatics) published a paper online.(Entropy)
- Nov. 11, 2022
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (Graduate School of Letters) gave a talk at the Department of South Asian Studies, Harvard University.
- Oct. 20, 2022
The team with the assistant Professor OTANI Ikue (Institute for research in humanities) registered a pamphlet of the special exhibition, Revival over 2000 Years: Restoration of the Lacquerware Gifted to Xiongnu by the Han (KURENAI).
- Sep. 26, 2022
Assistant Professor Toshitaka Suzuki (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Nature Communications)
- Sep. 20, 2022
Assistant Professor Sayaka Tojima [The Kyoto University Museum] published a paper online. [PLOS ONE]
- Sep. 15, 2022
Assistant Professor Yukihiko Sugita (Institute for Life and Medical Sciences) published a paper online. (Cell Reports)
- Sep. 9, 2022
Assistant Professor Toshitaka Suzuki (Graduate School of Science) gave a plenary lecture at International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress 2022 (ISBE 2022).
- Sep. 8, 2022
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (GSAIS) gives a talk at Université Grenoble Alpes.
- Aug. 30, 2022
Associate Professor Ching Chao-jung (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a paper.
- Aug. 30, 2022
Associate Professor Ching Chao-jung (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a paper.
- Aug. 30, 2022
Associate Professor Ching Chao-jung (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a paper.
- Aug. 30, 2022
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (GSAIS) published a paper online. (Scientific Reports)
- Aug. 19, 2022
Associate Professor Tomonori Nakamura (WPI-ASHBi) published a paper online.(Life Science Alliance)
- Aug. 9, 2022
Associate Professor Makito Miyazaki (Graduate School of Science) published a review article, アクチン細胞骨格構造と機能の再構成 (Igaku-Shoin).
- Jul. 25, 2022
Assistant Professor Ayaka Sakabe (Graduate School of Agriculture) published a paper online. (New Phytologist)
- Jul. 25, 2022
Associate Professor Emiko Inoue (Faculty of Economics) published a paper online (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management).
- Jul. 22, 2022
Associate Professor Makito Miyazaki (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in USA (PNAS))
- Jul. 11, 2022
Associate Professor Masayuki Ushio (Center for Ecological Research) published a paper online. (Environmental DNA)
- Jul. 6, 2022
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (Graduate School of Letters) gave a paper at the 16th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies.
- Jun. 30, 2022
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (GSAIS) give a talk at Japan-China High-level Expert Symposium on Energy Transition.
- Jun. 28, 2022
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) gave a talk at the 50th workshop of 182nd Committee on Terahertz Science, Technology and Industrial Development, Japan
- Jun. 28, 2022
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) gave a talk at the 22th Symposium on Plasmonic Chemistry.
- Jun. 28, 2022
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) gave a talk at the Physical Society of Japan 2022 (77th) Annual Meeting.
- Jun. 27, 2022
Associate Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) gave an online talk at Peking University.
- Jun. 9, 2022
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (GSAIS) gave a talk at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London.
- Jun. 9, 2022
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (GSAIS) gave a talk at the Space and Atmospheric Physics (SPAT), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London.
- Jun. 9, 2022
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (GSAIS) gave a talk at University College Dublin.
- Jun. 3, 2022
Associate Professor Emiko Inoue (Graduate School of Economics) gave a talk at Kyoto University Executive Leadership Program.
- Jun. 2, 2022
Assistant Professor Yuta Morii (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online. (Population Ecology)
- May. 25, 2022
Associate Professor Tsuyoshi Hirashima (Graduate School of Biostudies) published a paper online at Reproduction
- May. 11, 2022
Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) published the Festschrift, Connecting the Art, Literature, and Religion of South and Central Asia: Studies in Honour of Monika Zin (New Delhi: DEV Publishers & Distributors), as one of the co-editors.
- Apr. 11, 2022
An interview article of Assistant Professor Ikue Otani (Institute for Research in Humanities) was published in a newspaper (Kyoto Shimbun).
- Apr. 7, 2022
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ).
- Apr. 7, 2022
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies/Institut Montaigne.
- Apr. 7, 2022
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) published a paper online (Environmental Politics).
- Apr. 4, 2022
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (Graduate School of Letters) published a paper.(Buddhist Seminar)
- Mar. 22, 2022
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability) published a paper online. (Energy)
- Mar. 2, 2022
A new book, Overlapping Cosmologies in Asia (eds. by Bill M. Mak and Eric Huntington), including a chapter written by Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) has been published.
- Feb. 25, 2022
Associate Professor Kohei KUSADA (iCeMS/Graduate school of science) published a paper online.(Journal of the American Chemical Society)
- Feb. 25, 2022
Associate Professor Kohei KUSADA (iCeMS/Graduate school of science) published a paper online.(Journal of the American Chemical Society)
- Feb. 25, 2022
Associate Professor Kohei KUSADA (iCeMS/Graduate school of science) received 進歩賞 by The chemical society of Japan.
- Feb. 24, 2022
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) published a paper online. (Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
- Feb. 22, 2022
Assistant Professor Sayaka Tojima will participate in a panel discussion at the 7th Kyoto University Research Data Management Workshop (Friday, March 4, 2022 online) --- ePortfolio and RDM Skill Development ---.
- Feb. 10, 2022
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (Graduate School of Letters) give a talk at Everyone Passed Here: The Rise and Fall of the Himalayan Trade Trail from the Perspective of War, Trade and Pilgrimage, Fieldnet Lounge FY 2021, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
- Feb. 8, 2022
Kaori SHIOJIRI(Hakubi Project 1st batch) published a book[かおりの生態学](Kyouritsu Smart Selection)
- Feb. 7, 2022
Assistant Professor Sayaka Tojima (Kyoto University Museum) gave a talk as an invited speaker at a meeting of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Imagining and Developing Images of the Body in Medicine, Art, and Folk Religion).
- Feb. 1, 2022
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability, Kyoto University) will give a talk at [Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation]
- Feb. 1, 2022
Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a co-authored book "Traces of the Sarvāstivādins in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha" (New Delhi: DEV Publisher, 2022).
- Feb. 1, 2022
Assistant Professor Hiroki BABA (Center for Southeast Asian Studies) published a paper online (Cities).
- Feb. 1, 2022
Assistant Professor Eita Nakamura (Graduate School of Informatics) published a paper online. (Physical Review E)
- Feb. 1, 2022
Dr. Mami IIMA (6th batch, now Assistant Professor of Kyoto University Hospital) received the 3rd Brilliant Female Researchers Award (The JST President Award).
- Feb. 1, 2022
Takuya SOMA (Associate Professor, Wildlife Research Center)'s brand new book, "The Rule of the Steppe land: Ethnography of Survival Strategies in Western Mongolian Nomadic Societies," has been published by Nakanishiya Publishing Co.
- Jan. 25, 2022
The article of Takuya SOMA, associate professor (Wild life Research center) was published in the newsletter of the Kyoto University Press.
- Jan. 24, 2022
The research of Associate Professor Hirokazu TAHARA (Institute for Chemical Research) was published in the Yomiuri Shimbun.
- Jan. 13, 2022
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online. (Communications Physics)
- Dec. 28, 2021
Associate Professor Maho Iuchi (Graduate School of Letters) published a paper. (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies)
- Dec. 23, 2021
Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a paper on The Mikkyō Zuzō (The Journal of Buddhist Iconography).
- Dec. 21, 2021
Associate Professor Hirokazu TAHARA (Institute for Chemical Research) published a paper online. (Physical Review B)
- Dec. 20, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) published a book, Carbon Markets Around the Globe – Sustainability and Political Feasibility (Edward Elgar Publishing).
- Dec. 17, 2021
Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) gave a talk at the meeting "The Department of Eastern Languages at 60: Navigating the Currents of Learning" at Chulalongkon University.
- Dec. 17, 2021
Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) gave a talk at the Symposium held at Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University.
- Dec. 9, 2021
Associate Professor Tsuyoshi Hirashima (Graduate School of Biostudies) published a paper online. (Royal Society Open Science)
- Dec. 9, 2021
Associate Professor Tsuyoshi Hirashima (Graduate School of Biostudies) published a paper online. (Biology of Reproduction)
- Dec. 6, 2021
Sayaka TOJIMA, assistant professor (the Kyoto University Museum) was introduced in the newsletter of the Kyoto University Museum.
- Dec. 1, 2021
Toshitaka Suzuki, Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Science) will appear on NHK's "Science ZERO".
- Nov. 26, 2021
Assistant Professor Sayaka TOJIMA (The Kyoto University Museum) was interviewed and her comment was published in the Yomiuri Shimbun.
- Nov. 24, 2021
Associate Professor Tomonori Nakamura (WPI-ASHBi) published a paper online.(Science)
- Nov. 17, 2021
Associate Professor Chao-jung Ching (Institute for Research in Humanities) read a paper at the Second International Codicological Conference “Oriental Manuscripts: Scriptoria, Monastic Libraries and Book Workshops in the East in the Middle Ages”, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Nov. 11, 2021
Associate Professor Makito Miyazaki (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online. (Nano Letters)
- Nov. 8, 2021
Associate Professor Tadashi TANABE gave a talk at the sixty third annual meeting of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan.
- Oct. 12, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) published a paper.(Carbon & Climate Law Review)
- Oct. 12, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies ) published a paper. (Carbon & Climate Law Review)
- Oct. 8, 2021
Associate Professor Chao-jung CHING (Institute for Research in Humanities), together with Dr. ZHAO Li (Kucha Academy), Prof. RONG Xinjiang (Peking University) and Dr. OGIHARA Hirotoshi (6th-batch), received Prix Ikuo Hirayama 2021 from the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Institut de France for the publication of the Cave Inscriptions in Ancient Kucha (2020, Shanghai).
- Oct. 6, 2021
Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) received the Kokka Encouragement Prize by Kokka-sha and Asahi Shimbun.
- Oct. 4, 2021
Assistant Professor Eita Nakamura (Graduate School of Informatics) published a paper online. (Information Sciences)
- Sep. 29, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) published a paper in Oekologisches Wirtschaften.
- Sep. 29, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at the Global Conference on Environmental Taxation (GCET), University of Groningen, Netherlands.
- Sep. 29, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at the Global Conference on Environmental Taxation (GCET), University of Groningen, Netherlands.
- Sep. 29, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at the Inter-ministerial Meeting on Carbon Pricing of the German and Japanese Ministries for Research and Education hosted by the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo, Japan.
- Sep. 27, 2021
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) received "The Japan Ethological Society Award" by Japan Ethological Society.
- Sep. 27, 2021
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) gave a talk at Autumn Meeting 2021 of The Physical Society of Japan.
- Sep. 24, 2021
Associate Professor Makito MIYAZAKI (Graduate School of Science) and Assistant Professor Yusuke MAEDA (Graduate School of Science) (present: Associate Professor at Kyushu University) published a review article. (Butsuri [in Japanese])
- Sep. 8, 2021
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) will appear in a TV show "Wild Life" aired by NHK BS Premium television on September 13th (20:00pm~).
- Jul. 28, 2021
Associate Professor Emiko INOUE (Graduate School of Economics) gave a talk at the symposium regarding carbon neutrality, organized by Kyoto University.
- Jul. 27, 2021
Associate Professor Emiko INOUE (Graduate School of Economics) presented a paper at 26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2021, Technische Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (online).
- Jul. 14, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES)) gave a talk at the International Joint Conference of the International Degrowth Research Network, the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) and the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), University of Manchester, UK (online).
- Jul. 13, 2021
Associate Professor Tomohiko TAKEI (Graduate School of Medicine) published an article.(Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation [in Japanese])
- Jul. 6, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, GSGES) gave a talk at the 18th IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, University of Groningen, Netherlands (online).
- Jul. 5, 2021
Dr. Aaron MILLER (1st batch, now California State University East Bay and Saint Mary's College of California Lecturer) published a book, Discourses of Discipline: An Anthropology of Corporal Punishment in Japan's Schools and Sports (editorialrepublica).
- Jul. 2, 2021
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) was introduced in an article. (THE KYOTO)
- Jun. 28, 2021
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) will give a talk at China-Japan High-level Expert Symposium on Marine Environment.
- Jun. 16, 2021
Assistant Professor Eita NAKAMURA (Graduate School of Informatics) published a paper online. (Information Sciences)
- Jun. 15, 2021
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced an asteroid “Koarimatsu” named after Assistant Professor Ko ARIMATSU (Astronomical Observatory, Graduate School of Science).
- Jun. 14, 2021
Associate Professor Komei KADOWAKI (Graduate School of Agriculture) organizes a workshop on deer overbrowsing and ecosystem restoration in Japanese natural forests.
- Jun. 3, 2021
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) will give a talk at Taiwanese-German Sustainability Exchange Program.
- Jun. 1, 2021
Dr. Hikaru KOMATSU(3th batch)and Dr. Jeremy RAPPLEYE(3th batch)published a book, 『日本の教育はダメじゃない ―国際比較データで問いなおす』(chikumashobo).
- May. 31, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at the 13th biennial conference of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics (CANSEE), University of Victoria (online) .
- May. 27, 2021
Associate Professor Motoaki BAMBA (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Nature Communications)
- May. 19, 2021
Associate Professor Tomonori NAKAMURA (Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi) ) published a paper online.(Stem Cell Reports)
- May. 17, 2021
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) will appear in a TV show "Darwin ga kita!" aired by NHK Sogo television on May 23th (7:30pm-8:00pm).
- May. 11, 2021
The illustration representing a paper written by Associate Professor Masanori SHIMONO (Medical School) was selected as the cover art of PLOS Computational Biology.
- May. 6, 2021
Associate Professor Shuta NAKAJIMA (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Nature Physics)
- Apr. 30, 2021
Associate Professor Amin CHABCHOUB (Disaster Prevention Research Institute) published a paper online.(Physical Review Letters)
- Apr. 27, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a joint talk with Ting WANG at Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (online).
- Apr. 26, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at Deutsches Institut fuer Japanforschung et al. (online).
- Apr. 19, 2021
Assistant Professor Satomi HIYAMA (Institute for Research in Humanities) published an interview article in a newspaper (Kyoto Shimbun).
- Apr. 9, 2021
Associate Professor Masanori SHIMONO (Medical School) published a paper online (PLOS Computational Biology).
- Apr. 7, 2021
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) received "The Young Scientists' Award, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology".
- Apr. 7, 2021
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) received "The Young Scientists' Award, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology".
- Apr. 1, 2021
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) wrote a teaching material for a Japanese textbook of junior high school (Mitsumura Tosho Publishing Co.,Ltd.).
- Mar. 26, 2021
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) published a paper.(Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik & Umweltrecht (ZfU))
- Mar. 24, 2021
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper online. (Renewable Energy)
- Mar. 18, 2021
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) published a book, "Environmental DNA" (Kyoritsu Shuppan, Co. Ltd.)
- Mar. 9, 2021
Associate Professor Tsuyoshi HIRASHIMA (Graduate School of Biostudies) published a paper online.(eLife)
- Mar. 2, 2021
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability(GSAIS)) published a paper online. (ENERGY)
- Mar. 1, 2021
Associate Professor Tomohiko TAKEI (Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper online. (Current Biology)
- Feb. 25, 2021
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI(Graduate School of Science) will appear on a TV program "近未来創世記 日本を救うヤバイ偉人" on March 1st (NTV, 8:00pm-9:54pm)
- Feb. 24, 2021
Associate Professor Komei KADOWAKI (Graduate School of Agricultural Science) published a paper online.(Oecologia)
- Feb. 22, 2021
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) will appear on a TV program "未来の主役 地球の子どもたち 子どもたちと未来のアレコレ考えました!SP" on February 23th (BS TV TOKYO/テレQ, 4:00pm-4:55pm)
- Feb. 17, 2021
Assistant Professor Satomi HIYAMA (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a paper on Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift vol. 24.
- Feb. 9, 2021
Research project lead by Tomohiko TAKEI (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Medicine) was selected for the FOREST program of Japan Science and Technology Agency.
- Jan. 25, 2021
Assistant Professor Yuta MORII (Graduate School of Science) published one part of a book, Natural history of Eurasia and Japan (Kokin-shoin).
- Jan. 22, 2021
Assistant Professor Yuta MORII (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online. (Scientific Data)
- Jan. 21, 2021
Associate Professor Tomohiko TAKEI (Graduate School of Medicine) contributed a review to "Experimental Medicine".
- Jan. 19, 2021
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online. (Ecological Research)
- Nov. 20, 2020
Assistant Professor Misaki MIZUMOTO (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)
- Nov. 10, 2020
Associate Professor Nobuaki TAKAHASHI (Graduate School of Engineering) published a paper online. (Molecular Cell)
- Oct. 20, 2020
Assistant Professor Satomi HIYAMA (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a paper.(Buddhist Arts)
- Oct. 19, 2020
Associate Professor Tomohiko TAKEI (Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper online.(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS))
- Oct. 8, 2020
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) published a paper online.(Journal of Ecology)
- Oct. 1, 2020
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Journal of Ethology)
- Oct. 1, 2020
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI appeared on a TV program "探求の階段" on September 10th (TV TOKYO).
- Sep. 30, 2020
Assistant Professor Satomi HIYAMA (Institute for Research in Humanities) published a paper.(NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin)
- Sep. 29, 2020
Assistant Professor Satomi HIYAMA (Institute for Research in Humanities) published an article in a newspaper (Kyoto Shimbun).
- Sep. 9, 2020
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) published a paper.(Conservation Genetics)
- Aug. 31, 2020
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper.(Energy)
- Aug. 27, 2020
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at Technical University of Munich (Berlin Energy Consultants).
- Aug. 3, 2020
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper.(Science of the Total Environment)
- Aug. 3, 2020
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper.(Energy)
- Jul. 28, 2020
Assistant Professor Toshihiro FUJII (Graduate School of Science) published a paper.(The Astrophysical Journal Letters)
- Jul. 22, 2020
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) published a paper.(Carbon & Climate Law Review)
- Jul. 13, 2020
Assistant Professor Eita NAKAMURA (Graduate School of Informatics) published a paper.(Information Sciences)
- Jun. 17, 2020
8th Associate Professor Makito MIYAZAKI (Graduate School of Science) , 3th Assistant Professor Yusuke Maeda(Graduate School of Science)published a paper.(Nature Communications)
- Jun. 4, 2020
Associate Professor Makito MIYAZAKI (Graduate School of Science) contributed an article to Graphic Science Magazine Newton, Extra Issue: Saibou to Jintai (Cells and Human Body).
- Jun. 3, 2020
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper.(Energy)
- Jun. 1, 2020
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) contributed a book review to Kankyo Keizai Seisaku Kenkyu.
- May. 26, 2020
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper.(Energy)
- May. 21, 2020
Associate Professor Keisuke TAKASAO (Graduate School of Science) published a paper.(Communications on pure and applied analysis)
- May. 19, 2020
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Current Biology)
- May. 12, 2020
Dr. Toshihiro HIGUCHI (5th batch, now Assistant Professor at Georgetown University, USA) published a book, Political Fallout (Stanford University Press).
- Apr. 8, 2020
Associate Professor Nobuaki TAKAHASHI (Graduate School of Engineering) received “The Young Scientists’ Prize, the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology”.
- Apr. 6, 2020
Associate Professor Tomohiko TAKEI (Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper.(Communications Biology)
- Apr. 1, 2020
Associate Professor Minsoo KIM (Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper.(Biochem Biophys Res Commun)
- Mar. 31, 2020
Associate Professor Masanori SHIMONO (Medical School) translated a book by Sporn, Newwork of the Brain, now being published on April 1st from Misuzu Shobo, Ltd.,
- Mar. 26, 2020
Assistant Professors Kenji MIZUMOTO (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability) and Yuki FURUSE (Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences) are working for the Cluster Response Team of MHLW. Activities of the team is being introduced in a TV documentary on the NHK BS1, on March 28 PM15-."NHK Special: Struggles Against the Pandemic"
- Mar. 26, 2020
Assistant Professor Kenji MIZUMOTO (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability) published a series of papers on the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Mar. 19, 2020
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) published a paper.(Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
- Mar. 16, 2020
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) published a paper.(ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH)
- Mar. 12, 2020
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI will appear on a TV program "Darwin Ga Kita!" on March 15th (NHK General, 19:30pm-)
- Feb. 26, 2020
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper.(Energies)
- Feb. 26, 2020
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) gave a talk at Kyoto University.
- Feb. 25, 2020
Assistant Professor Toshihiro FUJII(Graduate School of Science) published a paper online.(Astroparticle Physics)
- Feb. 21, 2020
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH published a book chapter in Villar, Marta et al. (ed.), Environmental Tax Studies for the Ecological Transition.
- Feb. 21, 2020
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH(Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University.
- Feb. 21, 2020
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH(Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at Cyprus University of Technology.
- Feb. 21, 2020
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH(Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at Cyprus University of Technology.
- Feb. 21, 2020
Associate Professor Sven RUDOLPH(Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) published a paper.(Carbon and Climate Law Review)
- Jan. 28, 2020
Associate Professor Ken-ichi AMEMORI (Primate Research Institute) published a paper online.(Frontiers in Neuroscience)
- Dec. 13, 2019
Assistant Professor Bahareh KAMRANZAD (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) gave a talk at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology.
- Dec. 2, 2019
Assistant Professor Eita NAKAMURA (Graduate School of Informatics) published a paper in Scientific Reports.
- Nov. 26, 2019
Dr. Gen Ohtuki (Graduate School of Science) published a paper in The Journal of Neuroscience.
- Nov. 26, 2019
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) published a paper in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- Nov. 11, 2019
Associate Professor Tomohiko Takei (Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper in eLife.
- Nov. 7, 2019
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) gave a talk at "AI for SDGs".
- Nov. 7, 2019
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper in Ocean Modelling.
- Nov. 1, 2019
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) published a paper in Ecological Research.
- Nov. 1, 2019
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) published a paper in Environmental DNA.
- Oct. 28, 2019
Assistant Professor Aki Takigawa (Department of Earth and Planetary Science) received “Outstanding Young Scientist Award, The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences”.
- Oct. 15, 2019
Associate Professor Tomohiko Takei (Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper in Journal of Neuroscience.
- Oct. 11, 2019
Associate Professor Tomohiko Takei (Graduate School of Medicine) received “Prize for Kyoto Univ. Academic Day” at “Kyoto Univ. Academic Day 2019”.
- Sep. 27, 2019
Associate Professor Teruaki Enoto(Graduate School of Science) published a paper in Nuclear Physics News.
- Sep. 27, 2019
Associate Professor Teruaki Enoto(Graduate School of Science) published a paper in Reports on Progress in Physics.
- Sep. 27, 2019
Associate Professor Teruaki Enoto(Graduate School of Science) published a paper in Phys. Rev. Lett.
- Sep. 20, 2019
Associate Professor Keisuke TAKASAO (Graduate School of Science) received “MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prise”.
- Sep. 19, 2019
Assistant Professor Makoto Hayashi (Graduate School of Biostudies) published a paper in Nature Communications.
- Sep. 12, 2019
Associate Professor Gen Ohtuki(Graduate School of Science) and Associate Professor Minsoo Kim(Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper in Cell Reports.
- Sep. 12, 2019
Associate Professor Minsoo Kim(Graduate School of Medicine) and Associate Professor Gen Ohtuki(Graduate School of Science) published a paper in Cell Reports.
- Sep. 10, 2019
Associate Professor Ken-ichi Amemori(Primate Research Institute) published a paper online.(Biological Psychiatry)
- Sep. 10, 2019
Associate Professor Ken-ichi Amemori(Primate Research Institute) published a paper online.(European Journal of Neuroscience)
- Aug. 26, 2019
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper in Nature Climate Change.
- Aug. 22, 2019
Associate Professor Norita KAWANAKA (Graduate School of Science) published a paper in Astrophysical Journal.
- Aug. 15, 2019
Assistant Professor Toshitaka SUZUKI (Graduate School of Science) published a paper in Current Biology.
- Aug. 6, 2019
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) published a paper in Climate Dynamics.
- Aug. 2, 2019
Associate Professor Norita KAWANAKA (Graduate School of Science) published a paper in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
- Aug. 2, 2019
Associate Professor Yukinori HIRANO (Graduate School of Medicine) published a paper in PNAS.
- Jul. 25, 2019
Associate Professor Sven Rudolph (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) published a paper in Ökologisches Wirtschaften.
- Jul. 25, 2019
Associate Professor Sven Rudolph (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies) gave a talk at University of Turku.
- Jul. 16, 2019
Assistant Professor Aki TAKIGAWA (Department of Earth and Planetary Science) received "The Nier Prize".
- Jun. 25, 2019
Assistant Professor Yuta SUZUKI (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies) received "The EMBO Journal Award" from European Molecular Biology Organization.
- Jun. 25, 2019
Assistant Professor Yuta SUZUKI (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies) received "Young Scientist Award for Excellence" from Protein Science Society of Japan.
- Jun. 6, 2019
Assistant Professor Aki TAKIGAWA (Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences,) published a paper in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
- Jun. 6, 2019
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) published a paper in Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
- Jun. 6, 2019
Associate Professor Masayuki USHIO (Center for Ecological Research) gave a talk at 11th ASME.
- May. 31, 2019
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) gave a talk at Kyoto University IPCC weeks 2019.
- May. 31, 2019
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)) gave a talk at Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019.
- May. 20, 2019
Associate Professor Masanori SHIMONO(Neuroscience, Network Science) published a paper in JoVE.
- Apr. 16, 2019
Dr. Teruaki Enoto (Graduate School of Science) received an award from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXT
- Apr. 11, 2019
Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) gave a talk at Yale University.
- Apr. 11, 2019
Assistant Professor Satomi Hiyama (Institute for Research in Humanities) gave a talk at Ryukoku University.
- Apr. 3, 2019
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Disaster Prevention Research Institute) gave a talk at Delft University of Technology.
- Mar. 17, 2019
Assistant Professor Yuta SUZUKI (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies) received 33th Young Scholar Lecture Award of CSJ from The Chemical Society of Japan.
- Jan. 10, 2019
Associate Professor Teruaki Enoto(Graduate School of Science) published a paper in Nature.
- Dec. 7, 2018
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Disaster Prevention Research Institute) gave a talk at The University of Moratuwa.
- Dec. 7, 2018
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Disaster Prevention Research Institute) published a paper in Ocean Engineering.
- Dec. 7, 2018
Assistant Professor Bahareh Kamranzad (Disaster Prevention Research Institute) published a paper in Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering).
- Nov. 29, 2018
Dr. Teruaki Enoto (6th batch) received an award from National Institute of Science and Technology
- Nov. 26, 2018
Assistant Professor Hiroyuki Sato (Graduate School of Informatics) published a paper in Computational Optimization and Applications.
- Oct. 23, 2018
Assistant Professor Atsushi Kanazawa published in Mathematical Science.
- Oct. 18, 2018
Associate Professor Bill Mak gave a talk at Biennial Conference of the European Society for the History of Science.
- Oct. 18, 2018
Associate Professor Bill Mak gave a talk at Eurasian Connections - Annual Conference of the Center for Global Asia.
- Oct. 18, 2018
Associate Professor Bill Mak gave a talk at The 17th World Sanskrit Conference.
- Oct. 16, 2018
Associate Professor Makito Miyazaki(Graduate School of Science) published a paper in The Nano Letters.
- Oct. 15, 2018
Assistant Professor Aiko Nakai(Graduate School of Law) published a paper in The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy
- Oct. 15, 2018
Aiko Nakai gave a talk “Bridging the Perception Gap between Investing States and Host States: Rethinking Calvo, Drago, and Other Latin American Doctrines at The Biennial Conference of Latin American Society of International Law (Torcuato Di Tella University, Argentina, Sept. 24-25, 2018)
- Sep. 19, 2018
Aiko Nakai gave a talk “Latin American International Law as the First Regional International Law: The First Step of Irreversible Relativisation of European International Law”, at The 2018 Conference of European Society of International Law, IG History of International Law (The University of Manchester, UK, 13-15 September 2018).
- Sep. 13, 2018
Tomohiko Takei published a paper titled “Correlations between primary motor cortex activity with recent past and future limb motion during unperturbed reaching” in Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 38, pp. 7787-7799 (5 September 2018).
- Aug. 10, 2018
Ken-ichi Amemori published a paper titled “Striatal Microstimulation Induces Persistent and Repetitive Negative Decision-Making Predicted by Striatal Beta-Band Oscillation” in Neuron.
- Aug. 6, 2018
Makito Miyazaki published a chapter titled “Self-organization mechanism of the cytoskeleton uncovered by the system-sized dependence of artificial cells” in Experimental Medicine, 36(13), pp.2186-2192 (Yodosha) (1 August 2018).
- Jul. 31, 2018
Aki Takigawa published a paper titled “High-temperature Dust Condensation around an AGB Star: Evidence from a Highly Pristine Presolar Corundum” in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 862 (24 July 2018).
- Jul. 19, 2018
Kyoko Amano gave a talk “The Non-Srauta Ritual in the Oldest Yajurveda Text - Maitrayani Samhita IV 2 (Gonamika Chapter) -”, at The 17th World Sanskrit Conference (University of British Colombia, Canada, 9-13 July 2018).
- Jul. 12, 2018
Norita Kawanaka published a paper titled “Detecting black hole binaries by Gaia” in The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 861 (27 June 2018).
- Jul. 12, 2018
Norita Kawanaka published a paper titled “X-ray detectability of accreting isolated black holes in our Galaxy” in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 477, pp. 791-801 (11 June 2018).
- Jul. 12, 2018
Norita Kawanaka published a paper titled “High-energy gamma-ray and neutrino production in star-forming galaxies across cosmic time: Difficulties in explaining the IceCube data” in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Vol. 70 (14 April 2018).
- Jul. 12, 2018
Norita Kawanaka published a paper titled “Can the relativistic light-bending model explain X-ray spectral variations of Seyfert galaxies?” in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Vol. 70 (3 April 2018).
- Jul. 12, 2018
Norita Kawanaka published a paper titled “Shock acceleration of electrons and synchrotron emission from the dynamical ejecta of neutron star mergers” in The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 858 (4 May 2018).
- Jun. 5, 2018
Teruaki Enoto and co-authors published “Termination of Electron Acceleration in Thundercloud by Intra/Inter-cloud Discharge” in Geophysical Research Letters (the issue of May 17, 2018). The press release was featured in Hokkoku Shimbun on May 25, 2018.
- May. 17, 2018
Miles Kenney-Lazar et al published a paper titled “The Transboundary Displacement of Deforestation Under REDD+: Problematic Intersections Between The Trade of Forest-Risk Commodities and Land Grabbing in the Mekong Region” in Global Environmental Change, Vol 50, pp. 255-267 (May 2018).
- May. 17, 2018
Hirokazu Toju (Hakubi 1st Batch, Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University) and Masato Yamamichi (Hakubi 5th Batch, The University of Tokyo) et al. published a paper titled “Core microbiomes for sustainable agroecosystems” in Nature Plants, volume, Vol 4, p247–257 (April 30, 2018).
- May. 17, 2018
Miles Kenney-Lazar et al published a paper titled “Greening Rubber? Political Ecologies of Plantation Sustainability in Laos and Myanmar” in Geoforum, Vol 92, pp. 96-105 (June 2018).
- May. 17, 2018
Miles Kenney-Lazar et al published a paper titled “State Spaces of Resistance: Industrial Tree Plantations and the Struggle for Land in Laos” in Antipode (23 March 2018).
- Apr. 18, 2018
Bill Mak delivered a paper titled “Gargasaṃhitā and Vedic astral science in China – Early evidences of foreign transmission of the science of the Heavens from the ‘West’ ” at the Joseph Needham Symposium on Early Cultural & Scientific Transmission across Eurasia with China, organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong,China (March 26-27, 2018).
- Apr. 18, 2018
Bill Mak published a paper titled “The First Two Chapters of Mīnarāja’s Vṛddhayavanajātaka” in Zinbun, Vol 48, pp. 1-31 (March, 2018).
- Apr. 18, 2018
Bill Mak published a paper titled “Tithikarmaguṇa in Gārgīyajyotiṣa – Tithi worship according to a number of early sources” in Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol 66, No.3, pp. 985-991(March 2018).
- Apr. 18, 2018
Bill Mak delivered a lecture titled “Visualizing time and space through foreign eyes in Medieval China – From the Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna to Amoghavajra’s Xiuyao jing” at the Geballe Research Workshop,Asian Representations and Construction of Space (ARCS), Stanford University, Stanford, U.S (March 15, 2018).
- Apr. 18, 2018
Bill Mak et al published a paper titled “Garga and early astral science in India” in History of Science in South Asia, Vol 5, p151–191 (December 22, 2017).
- Apr. 10, 2018
Makoto T. Hayashi published "Telomere biology in aging and cancer: early history and perspectives" in Genes & Genetic Systems vol 92, p107-118 (Genetics Society of Japan, Japan). (6 October, 2017)
- Apr. 10, 2018
Aiko NAKAI gave a talk on "La contribution de l'Argentine à l'évolution du droit international : le passé et l'avenir", at the International Conference, Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Argentina (Ottawa University, Embassy of Argentine Republic, Canada, March 22-24, 2018).
- Mar. 27, 2018
Gen Ohtsuki published "Synaptic Potential and Plasticity of an SK2 Channel Gate Regulate Spike Burst Activity in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells" in iScience vol1, no1, p49-54 (Cell Press, USA). 【23 March, 2018】This paper was accepted as the cover issue of the first volume of the journal.
- Mar. 26, 2018
Kyoko AMANO gave a talk "Angiras in the old Yajurvedic literature", at The 10th meeting for research of the Vedic literature (Tohoku University, March 26, 2018).
- Mar. 26, 2018
Kyoko AMANO gave a talk "Signs for worship of cows in the Vedic literature", at The 4th symposium for collaborative Research “Brahmanism and Hinduism: Change and Continuity in South Asian Society and Religion” (The University of Tokyo, March 24-25, 2018).
- Mar. 25, 2018
Yumi Kato published "Trans-river migration of the Iban and the Bekatan to the Tatau River Basin in Bintulu"in Ngingit vol 10, p3-11 (Tun Jugah Foundation, Malaysia). 【December, 2017】
- Mar. 25, 2018
Yumi Kato published "Edible meat or Inedible meat: Ambiguity of meat concept among the Sihan in Borneo"in the book titled as "Study of Meat Eating" A., Nobayashi (ed.), p62-89 (Tokyo: Heibonsha).【March, 2018】
- Mar. 6, 2018
Dr. Teruaki Enoto (6th batch) received the 10th annual space science award (science) from the the Society for Promotion of Space Science.
- Feb. 15, 2018
Yohei Koide published " Lineage-specific gene acquisition or loss is involved in interspecific hybrid sterility in rice" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 【published ahead of print February 14, 2018】.
- Feb. 15, 2018
Aiko NAKAI gave a talk "To Seek the Basis of Regional International Law: The Conceptions of American International Law by 19th Century’s Latin American Thinkers", at the International Conference, Latin America and International Law. (Universität Hamburg, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Germany, Feb. 8-9, 2018).
- Feb. 13, 2018
Masanori Shimono published "Efficient communication dynamics on macro-connectome, and the propagation speed" in Scientific Reports (8(1):2510 doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-20591-y, Nature Publishing Group). 【6 Feb, 2018】
- Jan. 26, 2018
Norita Kawanaka published "Cosmic-Ray Lithium Production at the Nova Eruptions Followed by a Type Ia Supernova" in Physical Review Letters (Vol. 120, Iss. 4, American Physical Society). 【26 Jan, 2018】
- Jan. 15, 2018
Saori Fujii published "Tree leaf and root traits mediate soil faunal contribution to litter decomposition across an elevational gradient." in Functional Ecology, (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13027, British Ecological Society). 【15 Jan, 2018】
- Dec. 14, 2017
Stefan Gruber published, "Legal Frameworks for World Heritage and Human Rights in Australia” with Ben Boer in the book titled as “World Heritage and Human Rights: Lessons from the Asia-Pacific and Global Arena”, Peter Larsen (ed) (p.217-237, Routledge, 2017).
- Dec. 12, 2017
Research on lightning-triggered photonuclear reactions by Teruaki Enoto and coauthors was awarded as one of the "Top Ten Breakthroughs of 2017”selected by “Physics World” of Institute of Physics, UK.
- Dec. 11, 2017
Yumi Kato published "Co-living among Indonesian migrant workers in longhouse communities." in Malaysian Studies Journal Vol.6, pp.71-85 (Japan Association for Malaysian Studies (JAMS)). 【Oct, 2017】
- Dec. 11, 2017
Jennifer Coates published“The Fragmented Family on Film; Kinoshita Keisuke's Nihon no Higeki and the Antecedents of the Contemporary Fragmented Family in Japan”in Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, issue 40, 2017.
- Dec. 11, 2017
Jennifer Coates published“Socializing the Audience: Going to the Cinema in Post-war Japan”in Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 14 (2),November 2017, pp.590-607.
- Dec. 11, 2017
Jennifer Coates published“Gambling with the National Image: Heroines of the Japanese Yakuza Film, 1955-1975”in Japanese Studies, 37 (3), 2017, pp.353-369.
- Dec. 11, 2017
Jennifer Coates gave a talk on "Cinematic ethno-history as a grounded theory of affect", at the 116 American Association of Anthropology Conference, Washington DC, November 29-December 3.
- Dec. 11, 2017
Jennifer Coates gave a talk on "Reverting to Type: Repetition and Female Representation in Classical Japanese Cinema" at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg VA, November 27.
- Dec. 11, 2017
Jennifer Coates gave a talk on "That Feeling Without Words: Growing Up in the Cinemas of Post-war Japan" at the School of Culture, History, and Language, The Australian National University, September 8.
- Dec. 6, 2017
Arisa Ema Researchers (3rd batch Hakubi Researcher,Currently KOMEX Affiliation) was selected "2017 NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step)" of the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP).
- Nov. 29, 2017
Miles Kenney-Lazar published "Governing Dispossession: Relational Land Grabbing in Laos” in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers (AAAG, 14th, Nov. 2017, USA).
- Nov. 27, 2017
Teruaki Enoto published “Photonuclear reactions triggered by lighting discharge” in Nature (the issue of November 23, 2017).
- Nov. 27, 2017
Takashi Haramura published "Methods for invasive species control are transferable across invaded areas." as the corresponding author in PLOS ONE (Public Library of Science, USA). 【3 Nov, 2017】
- Nov. 20, 2017
Stefan Gruber published, "Heritage Conservation Law” in the book titled as “Local Government Planning and Environment NSW, vol. C”, the Hon Justice Brian J Preston (Eds.) (LexisNexis, 2017, Australia).
- Nov. 2, 2017
Aki Takigawa published "Dust formation and wind acceleration around the aluminum oxide–rich AGB star W Hydrae." as the corresponding author in Science Advances vol.3, no. 11: eaao2149 (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), USA) 【01 July, 2017】
- Nov. 1, 2017
Shunsuke Yamana published a paper titled as " Siegel series for skew Hermitian forms over quaternion algebras", in the Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg 87, 43-59, (2017).
- Nov. 1, 2017
Shunsuke Yamana published a paper titled as "Twisted symmetric square L-functions and invariant trilinear forms, by Eyal Kaplan & Shunsuke Yamana", in the Mathematische Zeitschrift 285, 739-793 (2017).
- Nov. 1, 2017
Shunsuke Yamana published a paper titled as "Local symmetric square L-factors of representations of general linear groups", in the Pacific Journal of Mathematics 286 no.1, 215-256 (2017).
- Oct. 31, 2017
Bill Mak gave a talk on “Sanskrit inscriptions and manuscripts in Yunnan, a preliminary survey”, at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Division of Humanities, Hong Kong, China (August 30, 2017).
- Oct. 31, 2017
Bill Mak organized a panel titled “Buddhist Cosmology and Astral Science” at the XVIIIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies held in Toronto, Canada (August 21, 2017) and gave a talk titled “The Buddhist transmission of Grahamātṛkādhāraṇī and other planetary astral texts” in the same panel.
- Oct. 31, 2017
Bill Mak delivered the "Inaugural Otto Neugebauer Lecture in the History of the Exact Sciences in Antiquity”titled “Transmission of Greco-Babylonian planetary science and horoscopy in India and China” at Brown University, Providence, U.S. (May 2, 2017).
- Oct. 31, 2017
Bill Mak gave a talk on “The lineage of ‘foreign’ planetary worship in ninth-century China – ritualistic elements of the Qiyao rangzai jue七曜攘災決” in the panel “The Ritualization of Astrology in Pre-modern Asia” at the 2017 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Toronto, Canada (Sheraton Center Toronto, March 16, 2017).
- Oct. 30, 2017
Aiko NAKAI published “Regional System of States and Alternative International Norms: "Legal" Pan-Americanism of Latin America in the 19th Century” in International Relations, vol. 189, Oct. 2017, pp.65-80. (Japan Association of International Relations ed.)
- Sep. 27, 2017
Stefan Gruber published a chapter, " Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972.” in the book titled as “Multilateral Environmental Treaties” (Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law series), M. Fitzmaurice, A. Tanzi with A. Papantoniou (eds) (Edward Elgar Publishing, UK)
- Sep. 25, 2017
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Regional Case Studies from China", at the Third AHRC Workshop: Art, Crime and Criminals: Plunder. Looting and Destruction. In collaboration with the German Government. (7-8 September 2017, the Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin, Germany).
- Sep. 14, 2017
Yumi Kato published " Perceptions of Iban in the Sihan ethnoscape." in Ngingit 9: 49-58. (The Tun Jugah Foundation, Malaysia)【July, 2017】
- Aug. 27, 2017
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Repatriating Looted Cultural Artefacts to Asia: Recent Cases and International Law", at the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law: Asia and International Law in Times of Uncertainty (25-26 August 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Organized by the Korea Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law).
- Jul. 27, 2017
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Cultural Heritage Protection and Human Rights in Asia", at the 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Chiang Mai International Exhibition and Convention Centre (CMECC), Thailand (20-23 July 2017, Organized by the Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chiang Mai University).
- Jul. 27, 2017
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Heritage Protection and Human Rights in Asia", at the TEDx Kyoto University, Kyoto University (8 July 2017)
- Jul. 21, 2017
Teruaki Enoto published “Magnetar Broadband X-Ray Spectra Correlated with Magnetic Fields: Suzaku Archive of SGRs and AXPs Combined with NuSTAR, Swift, and RXTE” in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.
- Jun. 28, 2017
Hidetsugu Komeda published "Temporal information and self-representation in narrative comprehension" in Y. Nobuhara (Ed.), Time, Self, Narrative. (Pp. 179-201.). Shunjusha Publishing Company. 【26th, June, 2017】
- May. 31, 2017
Hiroki Tokinaga published “Early 20th-century Arctic warming intensified by Pacific and Atlantic multidecadal variability” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).
- May. 25, 2017
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on " Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage for Environmental Sustainability in East Asia" at the 14th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Annual Conference: A Uniting Force? – ‘Asian Values’ and the Law, University of Philippines, College of Law (UP), Novotel Manila Araneta Center, Philippines (18-19 May 2017)
- May. 12, 2017
Stefan Gruber published a chapter, "The Tension between Rights and Cultural Heritage Protection in China.” in the book titled as “Heritage, Culture and Rights: Challenging Legal Discourses”, Andrea Durbach and Lucas Lixinski (eds) P149-163 (Hart Publishing, Oxford)
- Apr. 28, 2017
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on " Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage for Environmental Sustainability in East Asia" at the 3rd International Expert Meeting on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage of West and Central Asia: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage for Environmental Sustainability, Regional Research Centre for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in West and Central Asia, Tehran, Iran (23-24 April 2017).
- Apr. 3, 2017
Kiyokazu Okita published 'From Rasa to Bhaktirasa: The Development of a Devotional Aesthetic Theory in Early Modern South Asia' in Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies Vol. 65, No. 3, 1066-1072.
- Mar. 29, 2017
Yumi Kato contributed an article "Forest camps, settled village, and town: Contemporary mobility of Sihan hunters in Borneo" to " Hunter-gatherers perception on global environment history: Nature, neighbor, and civilization." (pp.270-283., Kazunobu Ikeya (ed.), Tokyo University Press.)
- Mar. 22, 2017
Bill Mak delivered public lectures in universities:"Magical science of the West: Foreign astronomy and astrology in Tang China" Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S. November 11, 2016.
- Mar. 22, 2017
Bill Mak delivered public lectures in universities:"Monks and magic: Greek and Indian astral divination in Tang China" University California Riverside, U.S. November 28, 2016.
- Mar. 22, 2017
Bill Mak delivered public lectures in universities:"Foreign astrology in disguise: Sources and transmission of Amoghavajra’s Xiuyao jing宿曜經" SOAS, London, U.K. December 9, 2016.
- Mar. 22, 2017
Bill Mak delivered public lectures in universities:"Fanyu qianziwen梵語千字文 and Chinese-Sanskrit lexicons.” Working group “Thinking in Many Tongues,” Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Berlin, Germany. December 14, 2016.
- Mar. 22, 2017
Bill Mak published a book chapter titled "Matching Stellar Ideas to the Stars: Remarks on the Translation of Indian jyotiṣa in the Chinese Buddhist Canon” in Cross-Cultural Transmission of Buddhist Texts: Theories and Practices of Translation.
- Mar. 21, 2017
Kiyokazu Okita published 'A Vedāntic Refutation of Buddhism in 18th Century North India: The Tattvadīpikā of Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa' in Journal of Vaishnava Studies 25.1, 153-162.
- Mar. 21, 2017
Kiyokazu Okita published 'Quotation, Quarrel, and Controversy in Early Modern South Asia: Appayya Dīkṣita and Jīva Gosvāmī on Madhva's Untraceable Citations' in "Adaptive Reuse: Aspects of Creativity in South Asian Cultural History (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017)", 255-280.
- Mar. 21, 2017
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "The Number of Bhaktirasa-s: Jīva Gosvāmī’s Prītisandarbha on Bhāgavatapurāṇa 10.43.17." at Workshop "Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia: Cross-Linguistic Comparative Studies of Literary and Religious Texts" (7th January, University of Madras, 2017)
- Mar. 21, 2017
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "Vaiṣṇava Perceptions of Muslim Authority in Early Modern South Asia: Based on Bengali Hagiographies of Caitanya" at Workshop "Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia: Cross-Linguistic Comparative Studies of Literary and Religious Texts" (11th December, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2016)
- Jan. 30, 2017
Hirokazu Toju and Masato Yamamichi published "Species-rich networks and eco-evolutionary synthesis at the metacommunity level" in Nature Ecology & Evolution.
- Jan. 30, 2017
Hirokazu Toju and Masato Yamamichi published "Species-rich networks and eco-evolutionary synthesis at the metacommunity level" in Nature Ecology & Evolution.
- Jan. 18, 2017
Bill Mak gave a talk titled "Fanyu qianziwen梵語千字文 and Chinese-Sanskrit lexicons" at the working group "Thinking in Many Tongues," at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Berlin, Germany. December 14, 2016.
- Jan. 18, 2017
Bill Mak gave a talk titled "Foreign astrology in disguise: Sources and transmission of Amoghavajra’s Xiuyaojing宿曜經" at the SOAS, London, U.K. December 9, 2016.
- Jan. 18, 2017
Bill Mak gave a talk titled "Monks and magic: Greek and Indian astral divination in Tang China" at the University California Riverside, U.S. November 28, 2016.
- Jan. 18, 2017
Bill Mak gave a talk titled "Magical science of the West: Foreign astronomy and astrology in Tang China" at the Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S. November 11, 2016.
- Jan. 18, 2017
Bill Mak published a book chapter titled "Matching Stellar Ideas to the Stars: Remarks on the Translation of Indian jyotiṣa in the Chinese Buddhist Canon” in Cross-Cultural Transmission of Buddhist Texts: Theories and Practices of Translation.
- Jan. 5, 2017
Yumi Kato published "Social and ecological factors associated with the use of non-timber forest products by people in rural Borneo" in Biological Conservation.
- Jan. 5, 2017
Yumi Kato published "Resilience and flexibility: history of hunter-gatherers’ relationships with their neighbors in Borneo" in Senri Ethnological Studies.
- Jan. 5, 2017
Yumi Kato gave a talk on "Localization of Indonesian workers in Sarawak, Malaysia" at the 25th Conference of Japan Malaysian Studies (Kyoto University, Nov. 27, 2016).
- Jan. 5, 2017
Yumi Kato gave a talk on "Inter-ethnic relation of Sihan with neighboring ethnic groups" at the Borneo Research Council 2016 Conference (Mulawarman University, Sep. 21, 2016).
- Jan. 5, 2017
Yumi Kato gave a talk on "Unsettled life and contemporary mobility of Sihan hunter-gatherers in Malaysian Borneo" at the Inter-Congress of International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, May, 6th, 2016).
- Dec. 1, 2016
Hidetsugu Komeda published "Decision making processes based on social conventional rules in early adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorders" in Scientific Reports.
- Dec. 1, 2016
Hidetsugu Komeda contributed an article "Toward to understanding autism spectrum disorder’s characteristics: Functional brain imaging and genomic approaches." to "Hadbook of developmental disorders" (Pp. 169-172., H. Shimoyama, K. Murase, & M. Morioka (Eds.), Kongo-Syuppan).
- Dec. 1, 2016
Hidetsugu Komeda contributed a column "Cognitive characteristics in autism" to "Perspective of cognitive psychology in education." (p. 268, M. Koyasu, T. Kusumi, S. Saito & M. Nomura (Eds.), Nakanishiya-Syuppan).
- Nov. 18, 2016
Poudyal Hemant co-edited a book entitled "Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease" (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) ISBN 978-3-03842-272-3
- Nov. 11, 2016
Yasunori Takeuchi received Ritsumeikan Shirakawa Shizuka Young Scientist Award.
- Nov. 10, 2016
Masato Yamamichi and Masaki Hoso published "Roles of maternal effects in maintaining genetic variation: Maternal storage effect" in Evolution.
- Nov. 10, 2016
Masato Yamamichi and Masaki Hoso published "Roles of maternal effects in maintaining genetic variation: Maternal storage effect" in Evolution.
- Nov. 7, 2016
Hemant Poudyal contributed an article "Linseed as a functional food for the management of obesity" to "Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Keys to Nutritional Health"(page 173-187, Springer, 2016).
- Oct. 26, 2016
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Looting and Illicit Trafficking of Asian Cultural Artefacts: Domestic Strategies, Regional Cooperation, and International Treaties" at Art, Antiquities, Heritage and Wildlife Crime in Southeast Asia conference (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 22 October 2016).
- Oct. 20, 2016
Jennifer Coates published 'Making Icons: Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945-1964'(Hong Kong University Press)
- Oct. 20, 2016
Jennifer Coates published "How to Be a Domestic Goddess: Female Film Stars and the Housewife Role in Post-war Japan," in the U.S.-Japan Women's Journal no. 50, pp. 29-53.
- Oct. 20, 2016
Jennifer Coates gave a paper on "Imported Trends on Japanese Bodies: American Aesthetics in Post-war Japanese Cinema" at the 2nd Japan Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS)(24-25 September, 2016)
- Oct. 3, 2016
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "Transcultural Dynamics in South Asian Religions" at Transcultural Dynamics of Asia and Europe: Mobility, Negotiation, and Transformation (26th September, Kyoto University, 2016)
- Oct. 3, 2016
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "Hindu-Muslim Encounters in Early Modern South Asia: According to Bengali Hagiographies of Caitanya" at The 29th Annual Session of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (25th September, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, 2016)
- Oct. 3, 2016
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "From Rasa to Bhaktirasa: The Development of Devotional Aesthetic Theory in Early Modern South Asia" at The 67th Annual Conference of The Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies (3rd September, Tokyo University, 2016)
- Sep. 30, 2016
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on " The Fight against Illicit Trade in Asian Cultural Property" at the 11th Annual World Customs Organization PICARD Conference; Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines (27-29 September 2016).
- Sep. 23, 2016
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Access to Justice, Public Interest and Heritage Protection in Asia" at the Asian Law & Society Association (ALSA) Conference: Law and Society in Asia: Defining and Advancing the Field, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, Singapore (22-23 September 2016).
- Aug. 15, 2016
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on " Ethics, Academic Honesty and Intellectual Property in Research" at the 2016 Amgen Scholars Japan Symposium, Kyoto University (7 August 2016).
- Jul. 6, 2016
Minsoo Kim published " Midori-ishi Cyan/monomeric Kusabira-Orange-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay for characterization of various E3 ligases" in Genes to cells.
- Jun. 27, 2016
Stefan Gruber gave a talk, title as "The Role of Courts, Standing and Public Participation in Cultural Heritage Protection in Asia" at the 14th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law: The Environment in Court (20-25th June, 2016, University of Oslo, Norway).
- Jun. 21, 2016
Masato Yamamichi published "Searching for prey in a three-dimensional environment: hierarchical movements enhance foraging success in northern elephant seals" in Functional Ecology.
- Jun. 13, 2016
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on " Singing in Protest: Early Modern Hindu-Muslim Encounters in Bengali Hagiographies of Caitanya" (14th May, Yale University, USA).
- Jun. 13, 2016
Kiyokazu Okita published 'The Influence of Singabhupala II on Bengali Vaisnava Aesthetics' in Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies Vol.64, No. 3 1081-1087.
- Jun. 10, 2016
Stefan Gruber gave a talk, title as “Protecting Asia's Cultural Artefacts:The Fight against Looting, Smuggling and Illicit Art Trade" at Protecting the Weak – Entangled Processes of Framing, Mobilization and Institutionalization in East Asia (8th June, 2016, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany).
- Jun. 6, 2016
Takashi Haramura published "Biotic Resistance to an Alien Amphibian: Larval Competition between Japanese Frogs and Invasive Cane Toads" in PLOS ONE.
- May. 30, 2016
Stefan Gruber gave a talk, title as "Asian Legal Perspectives on the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Artefacts and the Globalised Art Market" at the 13th Asian Law Institute Annual Conference: Asian Perspectives on Legal Globalization (19-20th May, 2016, Peking University Law School, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China).
- May. 27, 2016
Poudyal Hemant gave a talk, title as "SGLT-1 is the primary mediator of sugar-induced heart damage." at The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society ( 19-21 May, 2016 Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan).
- Apr. 25, 2016
Erdenchuluu Khohchahar gave an invited lecture on "Yet Another Layer: Mongolian Judicial System under the Qing Colonial Legal Order" at Central Eurasian Studies Colloquium (13th April, Indiana University, USA).
- Apr. 13, 2016
A lecture titled "Sacred Indian Script in Buddhist Asia" (Oriental Lecture Series 2016) by Bill Mak will be held on May 5, 2016 at Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. For more information, please visit the website (
- Apr. 13, 2016
A lecture titled "Buddhist Astral Science in Asia - Origins, development and current practice" (4th Lecture series on Indology 2016) by Bill Mak will be held on April 29, 2016 at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Mar. 24, 2016
Masato Yamamichi published "Antagonistic coevolution between quantitative and Mendelian traits" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
- Mar. 22, 2016
Hidetsugu Komeda published "Moral judgments in children with autism.". In M. Koyasu (Ed.), "Developmental psychology based on Theory of Mind." Minerva-Shobo.
- Mar. 22, 2016
Hidetsugu Komeda published "Handbook of developmental sciences: Developmental sciences for human brains.". In Y. Sakakihara, & H. Komeda (Eds.), Shinyo-Sya.
- Mar. 14, 2016
Silvia Croydon published a book titled as "The Politics of Police Detention in Japan: Consensus of Convenience.”(OXFORD Univ. Press)
- Mar. 10, 2016
Kei Kobayashi published "Visualization of trapped charges being ejected from organic thin-film transistor channels by Kelvin-probe force microscopy during gate voltage" in Applied Physics Letters.
- Feb. 29, 2016
Marcus C. Werner published "The geometry of gravitational lensing magnification." in Journal of Geometry and Physics.
- Jan. 28, 2016
Takashi Haramura published "Hatching plasticity in response to salinity levels in a rhacophorid frog inhabiting a coastal area" in Journal of Zoology.
- Jan. 14, 2016
Shinichi Enami published “ ‘Sizing’ heterogeneous chemistry in the conversion of gaseous dimethyl sulfide to atmospheric particles” in Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society).
- Jan. 13, 2016
Kiyokazu Okita gave an invited lecture titled, "Sanskrit Religious Poems in Early Modern South Asia: From the Perspective of Bengal Vaishnavism" (7th January, 2016, The Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, Tokyo, Japan).
- Jan. 12, 2016
Masato Yamamichi published "Linking structure and function in food webs: maximization of different ecological functions generates distinct food-web structures" in Journal of Animal Ecology.
- Dec. 25, 2015
Yumi Kato published a paper titled as "The diversity of small-scale oil palm cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia", in the Geographical Journal.
- Dec. 25, 2015
Yumi Kato gave a talk, titled as "Hunting for subsistence? : Sihan’s hunting practice between tradition and modern way of life" at the 11th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (8th September, 2015, at University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria).
- Dec. 22, 2015
Masato Yamamichi published " Nestling polymorphism in a cuckoo-host system " in Current Biology.
- Dec. 22, 2015
Minsoo Kim gave a talk, titled as " Regulating host immune responses with bacterial effectors " at the 3rd International Picobiology institute symposium (8-9 December, Hyogo Prefectural Center for Advanced Science and Technology (CAST), Akoh, Hyogo, Japan).
- Dec. 22, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on " A Middle Class Construction of Neo-Vaiṣṇavism in Nineteenth Century Bengal: Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura’s Commentary on the Brahmasaṃhitā" at The 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies (23rd December, Tokyo, Japan)
- Dec. 22, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita published 'Trialogue Between Gauḍīya Vaishnavism, Deep Ecology, and Catholicism' in Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 191-204.
- Dec. 22, 2015
Katsushi Kagaya published a paper titled as "Feed-forward motor control of ultrafast, ballistic movements", in the Journal of Experimental Biology. On-line version.
- Dec. 9, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on " International Cooperation against Cultural Property Crimes in Asia" at The 5th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law 2015 (26-27 November, Plaza Athénée Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand).
- Dec. 4, 2015
Erdenchuluu Khohchahar gave an invited lecture, titled as "Legalized Social Status: A History of Social Stratification in Mongolia" at the Inner Asian and Altaic Studies Lecture Series (December 2nd, Harvard University, Boston, USA).
- Nov. 30, 2015
Bill Mak gave a talk on "Astral Science from the Near East to China in the late first millennium AD" at SEAC (Société Européenne pour l'Astronomie dans la Culture) 2015 Annual Conference (November 9, 2015, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy).
- Nov. 30, 2015
Bill Mak published "The Career of Utsuki Nishū in Hong Kong during the Japanese Occupation Period (1941–1945)”in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch.
- Nov. 27, 2015
Poudyal Hemant gave a talk on "Carbohydrate induced heart damage is independent of MetS risk factors but may involve sodium/glucose co-transporters"at the 7th AASD Scientific Meeting and Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Reproduction (November 21-22, 2015, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, People's Republic of China).
- Nov. 25, 2015
Jennifer Coates gave a talk on "Masculinity and Fatherliness in Japanese Cinema" at the Bristol-Heidelberg-Kyoto Symposium (5-7th November 2015, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK).
- Nov. 25, 2015
Jennifer Coates gave a talk on "Mediating memory: The‘presumed shared experience’of war trauma in classical narrative Japanese cinema" at the 1st Affect Theory Conference: Worldings, Tensions, Futures (14-17 October, Millersville University, Pennsylvania, USA).
- Nov. 20, 2015
Kenji Suetsugu published "First record of the mycoheterotrophic orchid Gastrodia uraiensis (Orchidaceae) from Yakushima Island, Japan" in Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica.
- Nov. 19, 2015
Teruaki Enoto gave a talk on "X-ray Observations of Magnetic Activities and Evolution of Magnetars" at Theoretical Astronomy Workshop of NAOJ in 2015 (October 28, 2015, Izu, Kanagawa, Japan).
- Nov. 19, 2015
Teruaki Enoto gave a talk on "X-ray Astronomy and Laser Physics" at Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan (September 17, 2015, Kansai University, Japan).
- Nov. 12, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on " International Cooperation and Domestic Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in China and ASEAN Countries" at International Conference on Cooperation between China and ASEAN States on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage and the Build-up of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (November 8 2015, Xiamen University, Peoples Republic of China).
- Oct. 22, 2015
Marcus Werner gave a talk on "Gravity and light: a centennial perspective" at 100 Years of General Relativity (October 16 2015, Duke University, Durham NC, US).
- Oct. 6, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "Court, Conflict, and Controversy in Early Modern South Asia: The Svakīyā-Parakīyā Debate in Bengali Vaiṣṇavism" at The 28th Annual Session of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (27th September, University of Tokyo, Japan).
- Oct. 6, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Reconciliation through Recognition" at Wounds, Scars, and Healing: Civil Society and Postwar Pacific Basin Reconciliation (September 30 - October 2 2015, The University of Sydney, Australia).
- Sep. 25, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "After Kashmir: Early Modern Sanskrit Aesthetic Theories in Andhra and Bengal" at International Workshop on Pre-Modern Kashmir 2015 (24th September,Kyoto University, Japan).
- Sep. 25, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "The Karṇāṭaka Connection: Siṅhabhūpāla II’s Influence on Bengali Vaiṣṇava Aesthetics" at The 66th Annual Conference Conference of the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies (19th September, Koyasan University, Japan).
- Sep. 25, 2015
Hemant Poudyal published "Green and Black Cardamom in a Diet-Induced Rat Model of Metabolic Syndrome" in Nutrients.
- Sep. 25, 2015
Hemant Poudyal published "Mechanisms for the Cardiovascular Effects of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1" in Acta Physiologica.
- Sep. 24, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Marine World Heritage under Threat" at The 13th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law: Forest and Marine Biodiversity (September 7-12, 2015, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia).
- Sep. 15, 2015
Shinichi Enami published "OH-Radical Specific Addition to Glutathione S-Atom at the Air-Water Interface - Relevance to the Redox Balance of the Lung Epithelial Lining Fluid” in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
- Sep. 10, 2015
Hemant Poudyal published "Functional foods as potential therapeutic options for metabolic syndrome" in Obesity Reviews.
- Sep. 7, 2015
Teruaki Enoto gave a talk on "Broadband X-ray Spectra of SGRs and AXPs Observed with Suzaku" at the the Many Faces of Neutron Stars ( September 2, 2015, Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics, Munich, Germany).
- Sep. 2, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "Salvation through Colorful Emotions: Aesthetics, Colorimetry, and Theology in Early Modern South Asia" at XXI. World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (27th August, Erfurt, Germany)
- Aug. 26, 2015
Shunsuke Yamana published "Periods of residual automorphic forms" in Journal of Functional Analysis.
- Aug. 26, 2015
Shunsuke Yamana published "Poles of exterior cube L-functions for GL(6)" in Mathematische Zeitschrift.
- Aug. 26, 2015
Shunsuke Yamana published "Periods of automorphic forms: the case of (GL(n+1)×GL(n),GL(n))" in Compositio Mathematica.
- Aug. 24, 2015
Bill Mak published " The Transmission of Buddhist Astral Science from India to East Asia : The Central Asian Connection" in Historia Scientiarum.
- Aug. 18, 2015
Gen Ohtsuki gave a talk on "Functional Diversification in Clonal Cells after Eye-Opening in Mouse Visual Cortex" at the Mini-symposium, Wiring and Plasticity in the Brain -How Neural Circuits are Connected-. (July 24, 2015, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
- Aug. 7, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Public Participation and Community Empowerment in Heritage Protection in East Asia" at the Fourth East Asian Law and Society Conference: The Role of Law in Bridging Chasms In and Among Asian Societies. (August 4-6,2015, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan)
- Aug. 3, 2015
Bill Mak gave a talk on“Budhisma Kosmo”(The Buddhist Universe), together with two courses on“Disvastiĝo kaj transformo de la astraj sciencoj trans kulturaj limoj”(Dissemination and transformation of the astral sciences across cultural boundaries);“Proto-scienco kaj religioj en Azio”(Protoscience and religions in Asia) at the 100th Universala Kongreso de Esperanto (July 25- August 1, 2015, Lille, France).
- Aug. 3, 2015
Bill Mak gave a talk on "Zodiac in South and East Asia: Transformation and interaction with indigenous astral science as seen from textual and iconographical sources" at the 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia organized by International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine (ISHEASTM) / École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (July 6-10, Paris, France).
- Jul. 27, 2015
Teruaki Enoto published a Japanese review paper entitled "The strongest magnet in the Universe: X-ray observations of mysterious magnetars" in Physical science magazine "Parity", Vol.30, No. 8 (2015).
- Jul. 24, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "The Karṇāṭaka Connection: Siṅgabhūpāla II's Influence on Bengali Vaiṣṇava Aesthetics" at 12th International Conference on Early Modern Literatures in North India (19th July, Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Jul. 24, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "The Karṇāṭaka Connection: Siṅgabhūpāla II's Influence on Bengali Vaiṣṇava Aesthetics" at Asien-Afrika-Institut, Abteilung für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets (10th July, Hamburg, Germany)
- Jul. 22, 2015
Poudyal Hemant published "Should the pharmacological actions of dietary fatty acids in cardio-metabolic disorders be classified based on biological or chemical function?" in Progress in Lipid Research.
- Jul. 21, 2015
Marcus C. Werner gave a talk on "A geometrical approach to gravitational lensing magnification" at the 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy on 13th July.
- Jul. 14, 2015
Masato Yamamichi published "Indirect evolutionary rescue: prey adapts, predator avoids extinction" in Evolutionary Applications.
- Jul. 14, 2015
Poudyal Hemant published "Modulation of tissue fatty acids by L-carnitine attenuates metabolic syndrome in diet induced obese rats" in Food and Function.
- Jul. 9, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a talk on "Protecting China’s Archaeological Artefacts against Looting and Illicit Art Trafficking" at the 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Art Crime Conference, The Association for Research into Crimes against Art (ARCA) (26-28th June, Amelia, Italy)
- Jul. 6, 2015
Bill Mak gave a paper on "The astronomical knowledge of the Buddha, sages and foreigners - The Question of Authority in Buddhist Astral Science in South and East Asia" at the Twelfth Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop, University of Notre Dame (Jun 24, 2015, South Bend, IN, United States).
- Jul. 6, 2015
Bill Mak gave a paper on "Lingvo-lernado kaj Esperanto: Pragmataj kaj Idealismaj Lecionoj pri Homa Diverseco de Umesao Tadao" at the 6th public lecture in commemoration of the "Esperanto Day", Esperanto-Domo (Jun 21, 2015, Tokyo, Japan).
- Jul. 6, 2015
Bill Mak gave a paper on "Greek Astral Science in China: Nestorians, Perso-Arabs, and the Jesuits" and organized a panel titled “Overlapping cosmologies and cosmographies in pre-modern Asia” at the 19th Asian Studies Conference Japan, Meiji Gakuin University (Jun 20, 2015, Tokyo, Japan).
- Jul. 1, 2015
Jennifer Coates gave a paper on "Selling Gender Equality in Postwar Japan: Is Cinema Helping or Hurting?" at the 3rd AAS in Asia Conference (25th June, Academica Sinica, Taiwan, Taipei).
- Jul. 1, 2015
Jennifer Coates gave a paper on "Circular Thinking: The Yamanote Line on Film" at the Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Conference (26-29th March 2015, Sheraton Hotel, Chicago).
- Jun. 30, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a paper on "The Karṇāṭaka Connection: Siṅgabhūpāla II's Influence on Bengali Vaiṣṇava Aesthetics" at the 16th World Sanskrit Conference (29th June, Bangkok, Thailand)
- Jun. 30, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a series of Sanskrit reading sessions titled "Hindu Theology for a King: Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa’s Tattvadīpikā" at Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, University of Oxford (29th April ~ 17th June, Oxford, UK)
- Jun. 25, 2015
Makoto T Hayashi published "Cell death during crisis is mediated by mitotic telomere deprotection" in the Nature.
- Jun. 16, 2015
Vincent Giraud gave a presentation on "Aesthetics as First Philosophy" at the 7th Annual Research Session of the Michel Henry Philosophical Society of Japan at Gakushuin University, Tokyo, 13 Jun. 2015.
- Jun. 9, 2015
Kenji Suetsugu published "Avian seed dispersal in a mycoheterotrophic orchid Cyrtosia septentrionalis" in Nature Plants.
- Jun. 6, 2015
Kiyokazu Okita gave a presentation on "Emotions in Hinduism: The Bhakti Traditions" at Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre, Rothley Street, Leicester LE4 6LF, UK, 6 June 2015.
- Jun. 2, 2015
Shigeyuki Koshikawa published "Gain of cis-regulatory activities underlies novel domains of wingless gene expression in Drosophila" in PNAS.
- May. 27, 2015
Kohei Nakajima published "Information processing via physical soft body" in Scientific Reports.
- May. 26, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a presentation on "Protecting Asia’s Cultural Relics against Art Crime" at Department of Law, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 26 May 2015.
- May. 21, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a presentation on "The Nepal Earthquake, ISIS, and the Taliban: International Responses to the Destruction of Cultural Property in Asia" at the 12th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Annual Conference: Law 2.0: New Challenges in Asia at College of Law, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-22 May 2015.
- May. 13, 2015
Kohei Nakajima published "Measuring information transfer in a soft robotic arm" in Bioinspiration & Biomimetics.
- May. 10, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a presentation on "Current threats to heritage in Asia" at the 129th Kaitokudō lecture series at Sajikeizo Memorial Hall, Osaka, Japan, 9-11 May 2015.
- Apr. 28, 2015
Masato Yamamichi published "Rapid evolution of a consumer stoichiometric trait destabilizes consumer–producer dynamics" in Oikos.
- Apr. 13, 2015
Stefan Gruber published "Human Displacement and Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific" in Environmental Law Dimensions of Human Rights (ed. by Ben Bohr) from Oxford University Press.
- Apr. 10, 2015
Stefan Gruber gave a presentation on "Transnational criminal justice and the illegal trade in artefacts" in the symposium on "Diversity of transnational criminal justice" at Kobe University and QMUL Joint Events on International Law 2015 at Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, 10 Apr. 2015.
- Apr. 7, 2015
Bill M. Mak gave a presentation on "Ritualistic cyclicity in Indo-Greek astral science – expressions for various modes of time measurement in the Yavanajātaka" at the Workshop on Astral sciences, Mathematics and Rituals.
- Apr. 3, 2015
Knut Woltjen published "KLF4 N-Terminal Variance Modulates Induced Reprogramming to Pluripotency" in Stem Cell Reports.
- Mar. 30, 2015
Hidetsugu Komeda published "Developmental disorder: Higher cognitive function in children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders". In S. Kitagami & H. Hayashi (Eds.), Understand the mechanisms of mind: Recent advances in cognitive psychology. Nakanishiya Press.
- Mar. 28, 2015
Okita, Kiyokazu. "When a Royal Pandit is Refuted: Court, Conflict, and Controversy in Eighteenth Century Bengal" a presentation given at Bengali Vaishnavism in the Modern Period Workshop, University of Oxford, UK.Mar 28th, 2015.
- Mar. 17, 2015
Hidetsugu Komeda published "Similarity hypothesis: understanding of others with autism spectrum disorders by individuals with autism spectrum disorders" in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- Mar. 3, 2015
Marc-Henri DEROCHE has published in collaboration with Nobumi IYANAGA, "De la notion d’universalisme et de son usage dans les études bouddhiques : éléments de synthèse des travaux réalisés au colloque franco-japonais de Kyōto." Tokyo-Kyoto: Circulaire de la Société franco-japonaise des études orientales, 日仏東洋学会『通信』, Nos. 37-38, March 2015, pp. 58-66.
- Mar. 3, 2015
Marc-Henri DEROCHE published ‟Recherches sur l’école des Anciens et l’approche impartiale au Tibet: Le rôle de Prajñāraśmi (1518-1584).”in Tokyo-Kyoto:Circulaire de la Société franco-japonaise des études orientales,日仏東洋学会『通信』, Nos. 37-38, March 2015, pp. 1-20.
- Mar. 2, 2015
Kei Kobayashi published " Interlayer Resistance and Edge-Specific Charging in Layered Molecular Crystals Revealed by Kelvin-Probe Force Microscopy" in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.
- Mar. 2, 2015
Hemant Poudyal published "Mechanisms of enhanced insulin secretion and sensitivity with n-3 unsaturated fatty acids" in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
- Feb. 17, 2015
Bill Mak published "Yusi Jing - A treatise of 'Western' astral science in Chinese and its versified version Xitian yusi jing" in SCIAMVS.
- Feb. 9, 2015
Hidetsugu Komeda published "Autistic empathy toward autistic others" in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
- Jan. 23, 2015
Vincent Giraud presented a paper : "A Principle of Emptiness? Breton, Eckhart and the Kyoto School" at the conference "The Future of Christianity between Faith and Dialogue. A Symposium on the Thought of Stanislas Breton", Boston College, Boston, United States, January 21-23, 2015.
- Jan. 21, 2015
Shinichi Enami published 'Stepwise Oxidation of Aqueous Dicarboxylic Acids by Gas-Phase OH-Radicals' in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (American Chemical Society).
- Dec. 6, 2014
Yumi Kato gave a presentation on 'Transformation of Practical Knowledge for Wild Animals: View from Sihan in Borneo' at the 113th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. 3-7, December, 2014. Washington D.C., USA.
- Dec. 3, 2014
Stefan Gruber gave a presentation on 'Heritage protection law, cultural identity and rights in China' at the second biannual conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 2-4 December 2014.
- Dec. 1, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita presented a paper at a conference 'No Entry Unless Authorized: Hindu Theology and the Question of Qualification', at the 12th Annual DANAM Conference 2014, San Diego, California, Nov 21st, 2014
- Dec. 1, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita published 'Devotion and Poetry in Early Modern South Asia' in Journal of Indological Studies, pp. 187-202
- Nov. 21, 2014
Stefan Gruber published ‘Forge and Export: The Trade in Fake Antiquities from China’ in: Marc Barell and Joris Kila (eds) Cultural Property Crimes: An Overview and Analysis on Contemporary Perspectives and Trends (Brill, 2014) 61 (with Toby Bull).
- Nov. 19, 2014
Pierre-Yves Donzé published "Multinational Enterprises and the Globalization of Medicine: Siemens and the Business of X-ray Equipment in Non-Western Markets, 1900–1939" in Enterprise & Society
- Nov. 18, 2014
Masaki Shigemori published "Classifying supersymmetric solutions in 3D maximal supergravity" in Classical and Quantum Gravity
- Nov. 7, 2014
Bill M. Mak gave a presentation titled "Tetrablibos, Yavanajātaka and Yusi jing -- The Transmission of Indo-Greco Astral Science from the "West" to East Asia" at the Third Indological and Buddhological Conference, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China, on 17 October, 2014.
- Nov. 2, 2014
Erdenchuluu Khohchahar published "Land Tenure in Pre-modern Mongolia: An Approach Based on New Sources from the Qing Era" in Сампилдондовын Чулуун, Хурц, Ока Хироки (eds) ЧИН УЛС БА МОНГОЛЧУУД (The Qing Empire and the Mongols) CNEAS Reports (2014)
- Nov. 2, 2014
Erdenchuluu Khohchahar published "The Study of Mongolian Legal History: New Approaches Based on Local Documents" in Russian Academy of Sciences and Mongolian Academy of Sciences (eds) Cultural Heritage of the Mongols: Manuscript and Archival Collections in St. Petersburg and Ulaanbaatar (2014)
- Oct. 31, 2014
Masaki Shigemori published "Black-hole entropy from supergravity superstrata states" in Journal of High Energy Physics
- Oct. 23, 2014
Masato Yamamichi published "Form of an evolutionary tradeoff affects eco-evolutionary dynamics in a predator–prey system" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
- Oct. 23, 2014
Stefan Gruber published ‘Perspectives on the Investigation, Prosecution and Prevention of Art Crime in Asia’ in: Saskia Hufnagel and Duncan Chappell (eds) Contemporary Perspectives on the Detection, Investigation and Prosecution of Art Crime: Australasian, European and North American Perspectives (Ashgate: 2014) 221
- Oct. 21, 2014
Stefan Gruber gave a presentation at the conference "The Effectiveness of Public International Law in Light of Current Political Events" by the German-Australian-Pacific Lawyers Association at the University of Heidelberg on 17-19 October 2014
- Oct. 14, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita presented a paper at a conference "Sex in the Margins: Commentaries and the Histories of Sexuality and Gender"
- Oct. 6, 2014
Hiromi Imamura published "Diversity in ATP concentrations in a single bacterial cell population revealed by quantitative single-cell imaging” in Scientific Reports.
- Oct. 6, 2014
Stefan Gruber gave a talk "Preserving the Past for a Sustainable Future - Human Rights Dimensions of Cultural Heritage" at "The UNESCO Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran in the Islamic Republic of Iran on 29 September 2014"
- Oct. 6, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita gave a talk at "The Twenty-Seventh Annual Session for The Japanese Association for South Asian Studies, 27-28th September"
- Oct. 6, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita published "Hindu Theology and the Question of Qualification: A Study of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism" in International Journal of Hindu Studies
- Sep. 13, 2014
Yumi Kato gave a talk at "The 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation"
- Sep. 13, 2014
Yumi Kato published "The extent of biodiversity recovery during reforestation after swidden cultivation and the impacts of land-use changes on the biodiversity of a tropical rainforests region in Borneo" in Social-Ecological System in Transition
- Sep. 13, 2014
Yumi Kato published "Changes in resource use and subsistence activities under the plantation expansion in Sarawak, Malaysia" in Social-Ecological System in Transition
- Sep. 4, 2014
Kohei Nakajima published ''Exploiting short-term memory in soft body dynamics as a computational resource'' in J. R. Soc. Interface
- Aug. 20, 2014
Hirohide Saito published ''Engineering RNA-protein complexes with different shapes for imaging and therapeutic applications'' in ACS Nano
- Aug. 5, 2014
Stefan Gruber gave a talk at "the 12th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law: Energy for a Fair Society and Safe Planet" at the Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Catalonia on 30 June – 5 July 2014
- Aug. 2, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita published ''Hindu Theology in Early Modern South Asia: The Rise of Devotionalism and the Politics of Genealogy'' from Oxford University Press
- Aug. 2, 2014
Masato Yamamichi published ''Timing and propagule size of invasion determine its success by a time-varying threshold of demographic regime shift'' in Ecology
- Jul. 5, 2014
Vincent Giraud published ''Being as Sign: Note on the Eriugenian Ontology'' in W. Otten and M. Allen (eds.), Eriugena and Creation, (Turnhout: Brepols; Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 68)
- Jun. 24, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita gave a talk at "31st Annual STIMW (Sanskrit Tradition in the Modern World) Symposium" (at Martin Harris Centre, University of Manchester, UK on May 23rd, 2014)
- Jun. 24, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita gave a talk at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, University of Oxford, UK on May 22nd, 2014
- Jun. 17, 2014
Vincent Giraud published ''Delectatio interior. Plaisir et pensée selon Augustin'' in Les Études philosophiques (Paris: Presses universitaires de France)
- Jun. 6, 2014
Stefan Gruber gave a talk at "The 12th ANJeL Japanese Law Conference: Japanese Law and Business Amidst Bilateral and Regional Free Trade Agreements" at James Cook University on 16 May 2014
- May. 21, 2014
Yumi Kato gave a talk at "Inter-Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences"
- May. 20, 2014
Shinichi Enami published ''In Situ Mass Spectrometric Detection of Interfacial Intermediates in the Oxidation of RCOOH(aq) by Gas-Phase OH-Radicals'' in The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
- Apr. 28, 2014
Itaru Imayoshi published ''Continuous postnatal neurogenesis contributes to formation of the olfactory bulb neural circuits and flexible olfactory associative learning'' in The Journal of Neuroscience
- Apr. 21, 2014
Wataru Sato (W. Sato*, T. Kochiyama*, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue & M. Toichi [*equal contributors]) published “Rapid, high-frequency, and theta-coupled gamma oscillations in the inferior occipital gyrus during face processing” in Cortex
- Apr. 21, 2014
Marc-Henri DEROCHE has been the Deputy Secretary General of the International Colloquium "Mapping the Mind," a Dialogue between Scientists and Contemplative Scholars-Practitioners co-organized by the Kokoro Research Center (Kyoto University) and the Mind & Life Institute (USA), with the participation of H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, in Kyoto, 11-12 April 2014. Click here to see a review of Day 1, and here for Day 2, or for a general presentation from Kyoto University.
- Apr. 17, 2014
Marc-Henri DEROCHE published “History of the Forgotten Mother-Monastery of the rNying ma School: dPal ri Monastery in the Tibetan ‘Valley of the Emperors’” in Bulletin of Tibetology, Vol. 49, No.1, 2013, pp. 77-112
- Apr. 17, 2014
Marc-Henri DEROCHE has given a guest lecture at Kathmandu University, Centre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, “The Essence of the Impartial (ris med) Approach: Some Reflections on Tibetan Buddhism and Beyond” (20 March 2014)
- Apr. 16, 2014
Pierre-Yves Donzé published ''A Business History of the Swatch Group: The Rebirth of Swiss Watchmaking and the Globalization of the Luxury Industry'' from Palgrave Macmillan
- Apr. 15, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita published "The Bhāgavata Purāṇa in Four Verses: Jīva Gosvāmī's Kramasandarbha" (trans.) in Caitanya Vaisnava Philosophy: Tradition, Reason and Devotion, ed. by Ravi M. Gupta (Ashgate)
- Apr. 15, 2014
Kiyokazu Okita published "Caitanya Vaiṣṇavism on trial: Continuity and Transformation in the Eighteenth Century" in Caitanya Vaisnava Philosophy: Tradition, Reason and Devotion, ed. by Ravi M. Gupta (Ashgate)
- Apr. 4, 2014
Itaru Imayoshi published ''bHLH Factors in Self-Renewal, Multipotency, and Fate Choice of Neural Progenitor Cells'' in Neuron
- Feb. 12, 2014
Shinichi Enami published “Ion-Specific Long-Range Correlations on Interfacial Water Driven by Hydrogen Bond Fluctuations”, in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
- Jan. 20, 2014
"Immunoactive two-dimensional self-assembly of monoclonal antibodies in aqueous solution revealed by atomic force microscopy" published in Nature Materials (Nature Publishing Group)
- Jan. 13, 2014
Shinichi Enami published "Fenton chemistry at aqueous interfaces" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
- Dec. 25, 2013
Kyoko Kitamura will give a invited talk at the Symposium of Laser Society of Japan on 21st January.
- Dec. 25, 2013
Kyoko Kitamura published "Investigation of electric field enhancement between metal blocks at the focused field generated by a radially polarized beam" in Optics Express
- Dec. 20, 2013
Yusuke Maeda published "(2+1)-Dimensional manipulation of soft biological materials by opto-thermal diffusiophoresis" in Applied Physics Letters
- Dec. 6, 2013
Pierre-Yves Donzé published "Organizing Global Technology Flows: Institutions, Actors, and Processes (Routledge)"
- Nov. 14, 2013
Kiyokazu Okita presented ‘Quotation, Quarrel and Controversy in Early Modern South Asia: Appaya Diksita and Jiva Gosvami on Madhva's Untraceable Citations’ at Deutscher Orientalistentag 2013
- Nov. 14, 2013
Kiyokazu Okita presented‘Was Krsna Married? An Early Modern Controversy Surrounding the Bhagavata Purana Book X’at the Workshop: Translating the Bhagavata Purana (October, 2013 at South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg)
- Nov. 14, 2013
Kiyokazu Okita published "From Ontology to Aesthetics: A Bengal Vaisnava Interpretation of an Upanisadic Passage So ’ham" in Bhakti beyond Forest: Current Research on Early Modern Literatures in North India, 2003-2009 (Delhi: Manohar Publishers)
- Nov. 6, 2013
Masaki Shigemori published ''Exotic Branes in String Theory'' in Physics Reports
- Nov. 5, 2013
Itaru Imayoshi published ''Oscillatory control of factors determining multipotency and fate in mouse neural progenitors'' in Science
- Nov. 5, 2013
Pierre-Yves Donzé published "Nestlé Coping with Japanese Nationalism: Political risk and the strategy of a foreign multinational enterprise in Japan,1913-1945" in Business History
- Oct. 23, 2013
Vincent GIRAUD published "La trame augustinienne dans Qu’est-ce que la religion? de Keiji Nishitani" in Théologiques
- Sep. 18, 2013
Hirohide Saito published "A versatile cis-acting inverter module for synthetic translational switches" in Nature Communications
- Sep. 18, 2013
Hirohide Saito published "Quantitative and simultaneous translational control of distinct mammalian mRNAs"
- Sep. 18, 2013
Hirohide Saito published "Directed evolution of a synthetic RNA–protein module to create a new translational switch"
- Sep. 15, 2013
Tomoko Tateya published "Hedgehog signaling regulates prosensory cell properties during the basal-to-apical wave of hair cell differentiation in the mammalian cochlea" in Development
- Aug. 20, 2013
Hiromi Imamura published "In Vivo Fluorescent Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate (ATP) Imaging of Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans by Using a Genetically Encoded Fluorescent ATP Biosensor Optimized for Low Temperatures" in Analytical Chemistry
- Jul. 25, 2013
Pierre-Yves Donzé published "Siemens and the Business of Medicine in Japan, 1900-1945" in Business History Review
- Jul. 10, 2013
Deroche Marc-Henri commented at “The Momenta behind Changes in Religious Currents in Ancient and Medieval India” at the 58th International Conference of Eastern Studies, Tokyo May 24
- Jul. 10, 2013
Deroche Marc-Henri presented “Heartfelt ‘Mind Instructions’: Inquiry into Tibetan Contemplative Traditions and Literature.” at the Summer Research Institute of the Mind and Life Institute
- Jul. 10, 2013
Keisuke Fujii published "Secure Entanglement Distillation for Double-Server Blind Quantum Computation" in Physical Review Letters
- Jul. 10, 2013
Keisuke Fujii published "Blind quantum computation protocol in which Alice only makes measurements" in Physical Review A
- Jun. 27, 2013
"Augustin, les signes et la manifestation (Signs and Manifestation in the Thought of Augustine)" published in Presses universitaires de France (PUF), "Épiméthée" Series
- Jun. 25, 2013
"Episodic memory retrieval for story characters in high-functioning autism" published in Molecular Autism
- May. 29, 2013
"Ruma'ai Glottalized Vowels in Historical Context" presented in 23rd Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
- May. 14, 2013
"Visualization of hydration layers on muscovite mica in aqueous solution by frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy" published in The Journal of Chemical Physics (American Institute of Physics)
- May. 14, 2013
"Long-range specific ion-ion interactions in hydrogen-bonded liquid films" published in The Journal of Chemical Physics (American Institute of Physics)
- May. 14, 2013
"Long-range Hofmeister effects of anionic and cationic amphiphiles" published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (American Chemical Society)
- May. 14, 2013
"Tropospheric aerosol as reactive intermediate" published in Faraday Discussions (Royal Society of Chemistry)
- May. 9, 2013
"Atypical recognition of dynamic changes in facial expressions in autism spectrum disorders" published in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- May. 7, 2013
"On the Influence of Water on the Electronic Structure of Firefly Oxyluciferin Anions from Absorption Spectroscopy of Bare and Monohydrated Ions in Vacuoy" published in Journal of the American Chemical Society
- May. 1, 2013
"Rapid and multiple-stage activation of the human amygdala for processing facial signals" published in Communicative and Integrative Biology, 6, e24562
- May. 1, 2013
"Why Periodic Markets are Held: Considering Products, People and Place in the Yunnan-Vietnam Border Area" published in Daniels (ed) Upland Peoples in the Making of History in Northern Continental Southeast Asia, special issue of Southeast Asian Studies, vol 2, no 1, Kyoto University
- May. 1, 2013
"From Tea to Temples and Texts: Transformation of the Interfaces of Upland-Lowland Interaction on the China-Myanmar Border" published in Daniels (ed) Upland Peoples in the Making of History in Northern Continental Southeast Asia, special issue of Southeast Asian Studies, vol 2, no 1, Kyoto University
- May. 1, 2013
"Mountain People in the Muang: Creation and Governance of Tai Polity in Northern Laos" published in Daniels (ed) Upland Peoples in the Making of History in Northern Continental Southeast Asia, special issue of Southeast Asian Studies, vol 2, no 1, Kyoto University
- Apr. 30, 2013
"Inhomogeneous Superconducting States of Mesoscopic Thin-Walled Cylinders in External Magnetic Fields" published in Physical Review Letters
- Apr. 15, 2013
Takashi Fujii published a book titled "Imperial Cult and Imperial Representation in Roman Cyprus" from Franz Steiner.
- Apr. 9, 2013
Jeremy Rappleye published a book titled "Educational Policy Transfer in an Era of Globalization: History - Theory - Comparison" from Peter Lang
- Feb. 28, 2013
"Relationships among facial mimicry, emotional experience, and emotion recognition.", published in PLoS One
- Feb. 28, 2013
"The elusive crystal structure of the neuraminidase inhibitor Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate): molecular details of action", published in Chemical Communications
- Feb. 4, 2013
Kohei Suenaga published a paper about a type-based formal method for safe resource deallocation as an OOPSLA Research Paper in SPLASH 2012.
- Feb. 4, 2013
Kohei Suenaga published a paper about "hyperstream processing", which is for verification of hybrid systems, in POPL 2013.
- Feb. 4, 2013
"Shinichi Enami's paper was covered by “News and Views” in "Nature Chemistry" journal.
- Dec. 24, 2012
"Needle-like focus generation by radially polarized halo beams emitted by photonic-crystal ring-cavity laser", published in Applied Physics Letters.
- Dec. 24, 2012
"Focusing properties of vector vortex beams emitted by photonic-crystal lasers", published in Optics Letters.
- Dec. 24, 2012
Publication of a book on passive smoking and environment.
- Dec. 4, 2012
”Model for Magnetic Flux Patterns Induced by the Influence of In-plane Magnetic Fields on Spatially Inhomogeneous Superconducting Interfaces of LaAlO3-SrTiO3 Bilayers" published in Physical Review Letters
- Dec. 3, 2012
"Three-dimensionally designed protein-responsive RNA devices for cell signaling regulation" published in Nucleic Acids Research.
- Dec. 3, 2012
"Interdependence of Electric Discharge and the Magnetorotational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks" published in The Astrophysical Journal.
- Nov. 5, 2012
"Brønsted basicity of the air-water interface” published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America".
- Nov. 5, 2012
"(Sr1-xBax)FeO2 (0.4 ≤ x ≤ 1): a New Oxygen Deficient Perovskite Structure" published in Journal of The American Chemical Society.
- Nov. 5, 2012
"Oxyhydrides of (Ca,Sr,Ba)TiO3 Perovskite Solid Solutions" published in Inorganic Chemistry.
- Nov. 5, 2012
"Photoinduced Dynamics of Oxyluciferin Analogues: Unusual Enol “Super”photoacidity and Evidence for Keto–Enol Isomerization" published in Journal of the American Chemical Society.
- Nov. 5, 2012
"Performance sensitivity of executive pay: The role of foreign investors and affiliated directors in Japan" published in Corporate Governance: An International Review.
- Oct. 17, 2012
"Effects of long DNA folding and small RNA stem-loop in thermophoresis" published from "Proc. Natil. Acad. Sci. USA".
- Oct. 17, 2012
“Dry deposition of biogenic terpenes via cationic oligomerization on environmental aqueous surfaces” published in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
- Oct. 17, 2012
Offspring from Oocytes Derived from in Vitro Primordial Germ Cell-Like Cells in Mice.
- Oct. 17, 2012
"Impaired social brain network for processing dynamic facial expressions in autism spectrum disorders" is published from BMC Neuroscience.
- Jul. 20, 2012
"Exercises in Nonstandard Static Analysis of Hybrid Systems" (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
- Jul. 20, 2012
"Spectrochemistry and artificial color modulation of Cypridina luminescence: indirect evidence for chemiexcitation of a neutral dioxetanone and emission from a neutral amide" (Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences)
- Jul. 20, 2012
"Research on Japanese doctors" (in Japanese)
- Jun. 15, 2012
Identifying a chemically-matured galaxy at 12.4 billion light-years away (in Japanese)
- Jun. 15, 2012
"Histoire du Swatch Group" (in French)
- Jun. 15, 2012
“Protonation and oligomerization of isoprene on weakly acidic water - Implications for atmospheric chemistry” (Journal of Physical Chemistry A.)
- Jun. 15, 2012
“Anions dramatically enhance proton transfer through aqueous interfaces” (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America)
- Jun. 15, 2012
"Nematomorph parasites indirectly alter the food web and ecosystem function of streams through behavioural manipulation of their cricket hosts" (Ecology Letters)
- May. 30, 2012
"Paraiso : An Automated Tuning Framework for Explicit Solvers of Partial Differential Equations" (Computational Science and Discovery)
- May. 30, 2012
"Learn You a Haskell for Great Good !" (in Japanese)
- May. 4, 2012
"Hofmeister effects in micromolar electrolyte solutions" (Journal of Chemical Physics)
- May. 4, 2012
Yohei Murata has published following articles (Japanese). 「キャリアパターンの変容と持続:「新人類」世代以降の事例から 多賀太編『揺らぐサラリーマン生活:仕事と家庭のはざまで』ミネルヴァ書房 2011年9月」
- May. 4, 2012
Yohei Murata has published following articles (Japanese). 「健康と社会環境 杉浦芳夫編『地域環境の地理学』朝倉書店 2012年3月」
- May. 4, 2012
Yohei Murata has published following articles (Japanese). 「身近な環境問題としての受動喫煙被害の実態:当事者調査を通じて E-journal GEO(日本地理学会) 6巻2号 2012年3月」
- Mar. 5, 2012
Single-authored Encyclopedia Entry: “Sports”, In Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Africa and Asia: Volume III
- Mar. 5, 2012
"Fluctuations and order of antiferromagnetism induced by paramagnetic pair breaking in superconducting vortex lattices" (Physical Review B)
- Mar. 5, 2012
Collaboration work "No Straight Path: Roaming in Both Ground- and Excited-State Photolytic Channels of NO3 → NO + O2" published in Science.
- Mar. 5, 2012
Collaboration work "Locally Synchronized Synaptic Inputs" published in Science.
- Dec. 29, 2011
"Rapid amygdala gamma oscillations in response to eye gaze" (PLoS One)
- Dec. 29, 2011
"Revisiting Tibetan Religion and Philosophy: Proceedings of the International Seminar of Young Tibetologists held in Paris in 2009" (Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines)
- Dec. 29, 2011
"Shinran" (Kawade Shobou Shinsha, Tokyo)
- Dec. 29, 2011
"Feedback Control of Protein Expression in Mammalian Cells by Tunable Synthetic Translational Inhibition" (ACS Synthetic Biology)
- Dec. 29, 2011
“Taibatsu: From educational solution to social problem to marginalized non-issue” In Goodman, Roger, Imoto, Yuki and Tuukka Toivonen (eds.). A Sociology of Japanese Youth: From Returnees to NEETs. (Routledge, London)
- Nov. 27, 2011
"Shareholder Heterogeneity and Conflicting Goals: Strategic Investments." (Journal of Management Studies)
- Nov. 17, 2011
"Molecular basis of α1-antitrypsin deficiency revealed by the structure of a domain-swapped trimer." (EMBO Reports)
- Nov. 17, 2011
"A nematomorph parasite explains variation in terrestrial subsidies to trout streams in Japan." (Oikos)
- Oct. 25, 2011
"Vehbi Koc and the Making of Turkey's Largest Business Group" (Harvard Business School Case)
- Oct. 25, 2011
"From Bushido to Science: A New Pedagogy of Japanese Sports Coaching" Published in Japanese Forum
- Sep. 13, 2011
"Dysfunction of fibroblasts of extrarenal origin underlies renal fibrosis and renal anemia in mice" Published in Journal of Clinical Investigation
- Aug. 8, 2011
"The Two Truths in Bon" (Vajra Publications, Kathumandu)
- Jul. 19, 2011
"Water Rights and Social Justice in the Mekong Region" (Earthscan, Washington DC)
- Apr. 12, 2011
Nematomorph parasites drive energy flow through a riparian ecosystem
- Mar. 25, 2011
Beyond the Four Walls: 'Real' and 'Imagined' Change in Japanese Sports and Education
- Feb. 9, 2011
“To Discipline or Accommodate? On the Rehabilitation of Japanese ‘Problem Youth’”, with Tuukka Toivonen, Japan Focus: The Asia-Pacific Journal
- Jan. 19, 2011
Synthetic human cell fate regulation by protein-driven RNA switches
- Jan. 17, 2011
Synthetic RNA--protein complex shaped like an equilateral triangle.
- Jan. 1, 2011
"Lightning: Properties, Formation and Types" Nova Publishers.
- Dec. 8, 2010
The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Symposium.
- Oct. 1, 2010
Impairment of unconscious, but not conscious, gaze-triggered attention orienting in Asperger's disorder Res. Autism Spectr. Disord. 4, 782-786 (2010)
- Sep. 29, 2010
Dust in Planetary Systems, Sep 26-Oct 1, Jena, Germany. "Electric Phenomena in Planetary Disks"
- Aug. 27, 2010
"Breaking the Rectangle Bound Barrier against Formula Size Lower Bounds" presented at The 35th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2010).
- Jul. 3, 2010
The 15th Special Lecture at The Japanese Society of Sleep Research.
- Jun. 14, 2010
Behavioral profiles of three C57BL/6 substrains Front. Behav. Neurosci. 4:29 (2010)